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  1. #1
    Important User TourisMap V.1.06
    TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06TourisMap V.1.06
    catymag's Avatar
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    Android TourisMap V.1.06

    TourisMap V.1.04

    TourisMap is an app designed to meet the needs of tourists and traveler without having to type anything on your smartphone: find all points of interest, take a relaxing coffee, eat a dish of the place and so on. TourisMap uses its artificial intelligence algorithm for a deductive guessing the needs of the user and search a list of place to be reached quickly on foot, without using the car: TourisMap really is the best friend of the traveler!
    Tourists and travelers have common needs when visiting a new city and do not want to stand still impaled, long, typing a few keywords to find monuments, POI, bars, restaurants, beaches, etc. These are the categories of place "primary" that TourisMap It combines, providing a mix of user-serviceable place.


    TourisMap also integrates a list of secondary place (eg. Gas stations, parks, tobacco, etc.) That can be queried depending on the user's needs. Moreover, TourisMap helps to identify the place and the activities related to it using the appropriate custom icons.
    You can explore the main place around you, a set place and secondary events. You can read a card every place and view a representative image.

    v.1.0.4 Removed the SDK AdMob support, improved the ordering system of places listed, enrichment of the help.

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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Default TourisMap v1.0.6

    TourisMap v1.0.6

    What´s New

    Substitution of static maps to standarg with standard google maps into the sharing system.

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