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  1. #61
    Master Alain57's Avatar
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    I must have some explanations:

    Not knowing the speed cameras used in Italy, I needed an example. And actually I took example on one of your images.
    The difference between the two is that I redraw it in "svg", unlike yours which is a vectorized "bmp". (Hence the difference in weight).

    Now if the fact that I used one of your models disturbs you, I delete ...

    The problem is that I redesigned all the images of a "speedcam.zip" for Italy ! So I'll put it in the trash ............ ?

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  3. #62
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    But I can not even joke?

    I am to offer users as much stuff as possible, then it's up to them to decide what to take ....

    Do not post only the single images in svg, but the complete svg files, (ico_speedcams, speedwarn_list, speedwarn0 and speedwarn0_list). For normal users it is almost impossible to replace a svg image, while it is much easier to replace those files ....

  4. #63
    Master Alain57's Avatar
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    Regarding the complete "speedcam.zip":

    I drew it as a result of a request from a member.
    Even if I am the author, I leave this member the choice to share it or not.
    I am for sharing but in this case, it's up to him to decide !
    I think he'll share when the tests are over !

  5. #64
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    Dear Alain57....
    Thank's for your job. We are always grateful to those who work and devote their time to the members.
    I asked if it was possible to share the file " speedcam.zip " for Italy and for all of us.
    Thanks friend
    I am part of a group of workers in Italy, between truck drivers and bus drivers.
    I let you imagine the use that we make of this wonderful program, a lot for the job.
    Important for us 3 categories speedcam alerts
    1- Length
    2- Width
    3- Height
    For Bus warnings with specific icon (just above) + icon with limited zone traffic + specific Park Bus icon.
    Important for us .... but we do not know how to make SVG icon. If you do for us this very grateful to all users of this wonderful group.
    Last edited by Boki; 8th July 2018 at 09:06 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary quote

  6. #65
    Master Alain57's Avatar
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    Ok, here it is !

    I do not have the equipment to test it, moreover I am in France.
    It's up to you to play ....................

    EDIT :

    I remember that I am only the author of the images (svg) of this "speedcam.zip"
    The "speedcam.zip" already existed. I only replaced the images.
    I do not know who the original author is.
    For this reason, I'm not sure what categories you need
    Are part of this "speedcam.zip"!
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    Last edited by Alain57; 8th July 2018 at 07:43 PM. Reason: further information

  7. #66
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alain57 View Post
    I do not have the equipment to test it, moreover I am in France.
    It is not necessary to be in Italy to test this speedcam.zip file, just create a txt file with the coordinates of one or more points near where we live and assign to it a TYPE different from 1 to 32 from time to time. Some warning does not match, you should edit the voice file, but the icons all appear.

    The "speedcam.zip" already existed. I only replaced the images.
    I do not know who the original author is.
    The speedcam.zip file is of a Pongo skin, while the icons were originally mine. Three years ago I changed the original categories using some more suitable for Italian users, 32 categories are many, but everyone can use what he wants.

    For this reason, I'm not sure what categories you need
    The category are these:

    Spoiler: List
    0 - Fixed Speed Camera, 1 - Mobile Speed Camera, 2 - Red Light And Speed Camera, 3 - Average Speed Camera Start, 4 - Red Light Camera, 5 - Average Speed Camera on Major Roads, 6 - Railroad Crossing, 7 - Bus Lane Camera, 8 - Hight Accident Zone, 9 - School Zone, 10 - Average Speed Camera End, 11 - Distance Camera, 12 - Highway Junction, 13 - Hospital, 14 - Fire Station, 15 - Congestion Charge Zone, 16 - Congestion Charge Zone only Milan, 17 - Semi-permanent box whith Speed Camera, 18 - Speed Breacker, 19 - Children's Areas, 20 - Transit Prohibited for Trucks, 21 - Tunnel, 22 - POI, 23 - Overtaking Prohibited for Trucks, 24 - Areas Prohibited for Campers, 25 - Overtaking Detector, 26 - Speed Boards, 27 - Freeway Accesses , 28 - Height, Width, Length and Weight Limits, 29 - Highway Accesses, 30 - SC Camera, 31 - Possible Icy Stretch in Winter.

    Yesterday morning I tried to make my first svg icon completely with Illustrator, to be the first it came also too well....

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    45 Kb instead of 87 obtained with the vectorization of a PNG, more the images are simplified and the less traces there are, and the final files are lighter.......but I do not like them too simple, here I even put my signature......

  8. #67
    Master Alain57's Avatar
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    Thank you for these explanations.

    1) I know it's possible to create a fictional alert. But for that, you have to have "Nextgen" installed on a device, and I have no device to install "Nextgen"!

    2) I suspected that the origin of the "speedcam.zip" was from Pongo.
    By the way, I think all the "speedcam.zip" in circulation, are doing using the Pongo base.

    3) Thank you for this information, which will undoubtedly be useful.
    Congratulations on adding the category. I did not know it was possible. It's not really my domain.

    4) I do not understand, you say you drew the images (bmp) that make up
    The speedcam.zip. (The ones I redrawn in "svg" format).
    Have you drawn them? Or simply cut out existing images, to adapt them?
    If this is the first case, I do not understand why you are stubborn to vectorize "png". Draw your pictures directly in "svg" format.
    It's a bit more complicated but it's still drawing.
    The model you show, weighs 45 KB, the same even in color should weigh at most 10 or 11 KB. I do not understand ..............

  9. #68
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alain57 View Post
    By the way, I think all the "speedcam.zip" in circulation, are doing using the Pongo base.
    I do not believe, I see that Pongo uses a lot of Arimi's zip, (even if re-edited), while it does not seem to me that Arimi uses Pongo's zip. My first Speedcam.zip that I edited was of Avic version with Arimi skin, now I'm using Israel with an old Arimi skin, and sometimes I use an old Speedcam.zip of Frontzosd. When you have the ico_speedcams, speedwarn0, speedwarn_list and speedwarn0_list files, you can transport them to the Speedcam.zip files you want.

    I do not understand, you say you drew the images (bmp) that make up
    The speedcam.zip. (The ones I redrawn in "svg" format).
    Have you drawn them? Or simply cut out existing images, to adapt them?
    If this is the first case, I do not understand why you are stubborn to vectorize "png"

    When 3 years ago I decided to change the categories I did not even know what Illustrator was, I downloaded it and started to try. I realized that the simplest thing was to vectorize the PNGs, and so I did. It took me three months to make the first Speedcam.zip, but it took two only to understand that the CC cracked version it did not save the files correctly. I made that file and it works, so I did not worry to "slim it down".......
    After me the Spaniards did the same thing, while the rest of the world continues to use the classic EU + sequence.

    We have 32 categories available, why does the forum not establish a sequence that satisfies users all over the world?
    For example in Italy there is no "Distance Camera", but there is in some European country, the navigation device are used by travelers, before, on POI Plaza they could be found, and in this way they could be alerted.

    Draw your pictures directly in "svg" format.
    It's a bit more complicated but it's still drawing.
    The model you show, weighs 45 KB, the same even in color should weigh at most 10 or 11 KB. I do not understand .........
    Meanwhile, I started ..... there are several ways to get the same result, for example for now to make the profiles I simply created a larger outline of another color that stays below...... For some things it is even easier to vectorize than to draw......

  10. #69
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    What is the perfect weight size? for the use of the UX speedcam

    average speed camera start and end
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    Last edited by alipark; 16th July 2018 at 08:16 PM. Reason: add img

  11. #70
    Master Alain57's Avatar
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    Here is a Camping Car, it will probably never serve ...............
    I drew it only to have fun !

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