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  1. #1
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    Default Help with TTS voice file modifications

    So I've searched and searched and searched, but have not been able to find the answers to my questions - and cannot seem to completely figure it out on my own...

    So I'm attempting to fully understand how Primo determines when to make upcoming turn announcements and I'm pretty close. I know that there are two files in the voice TTS .zip files that are involved - config_condfun.lua and config_database.lua. I understand how to make simple changed like change the 30m annoucement to 40m. But I'm trying to *completely* understand how it all works that I can customize any/all of the announcements...

    Here are examples of the two files and some questions:

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    1. What are the values in {}'s? I know the first value is the distance in meters (same as the field in []'s), but not sure what the 2nd and 3rd number in {}'s means.

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    I know that the 2nd field basically just refers to a line in the first file (config_condfun.lua), but I'm not sure about the other fieelds...

    1. What do the fields in these lines mean? I know that "Pre" is used for Verbose (along with "app" and "now"), "app" is used for "Compact" (along with "now") and "now" is used for "Minimal". But not sure what the other fields signify or how the lines are "linked" to each other.
    2. I understand how the "equal" lines work but what about the "range" entries?

    Basically, I want announcements at the following distances (non-highway):

    Pre: 1600 meters/1 mile (if next manuever over 1 mile)
    App: 800 meters/.5 mile (if next manuever over .5 mile)
    Now: 300 meters (if next manuever is less that .5 mile away)

    From what I can tell, when you get onto a road, Primo evaluates the entries and "uses" the entry from each "category" (pre, app and now) that is closest, but less that the actual distance to the next turn. I think it starts with "Pre", then moves to "app" and finally "now". But I'm still missing something with 1st, 3rd and 4th field.

    Interestingly, if you take the 8388608 number in the 3rd field in a lot of the lines and double it, you get 16777216 (which is one lower than the 16777217 in the 1st field of a lot of the lines). And the other numbers in the 1st field seem to be 16777217 + 64, +128, etc... So they are all somehow related, but I haven't figured out exactly how yet... :-) Also can't figure out what the 240 and 254 numbers do - or what the "nil"/"true" entry means...

    If anyone knows how to put this all together, please help me out! :-) I think I'm *so* close to figuring this out....

    Thank you!

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  3. #2
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    It might just be coincidence but
    ["100"] = {100,91,91},
    could perhaps be a metric to imperial conversion as 100 yards = 91.44 metres.
    Unfortunately for this theory none of the other number sets fit any common measurements I can think of.

    Sent from my SM-A310Y using Tapatalk

  4. #3
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    That's interesting information nontheless (didn't realize that the 100 converted to 91 in any way)... I appreciate ANY and ALL input!!! Been looking at this for a few days now and just can't put it all together... I was reasonably sure that the first number was meters, but maybe I'm wrong about that...

    Interestingly, in a lot of the voice files, the three numbers are exactly the same for every line in the condfun.lua file though (and they still work normally), so I'm not sure what to think about those three numbers...

    I'm sure that someone smarter than I will be able to piece this alltogether. It's like a puzzle just waiting to be figured out. :-)

  5. #4
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    Aw, c'mon - surely there is *someone* out there that has more information about these voice files?!

    Currently, all of my US TTS voices give an alert at 300m and then again at 30m. The annoucements are so close together, that by the time the 300m announcement is done talking, the 30m announcement goes off - which is kind of useless, IMO...

    Also - aren't the annoucements somehow speed-sensitive (besides the different settings for highway/non-highway)?

    iGo navigation apps are the most configurable applications out there - yet they somehow don't let you change the announcement distances - I never understood that...
    Last edited by jtrosky; 22nd August 2018 at 04:54 PM.



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