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    Default Audio files in nextgen

    I have a question about nonTTS speedcam warnings NextGen iGO Android. Sticky thread "Speedcam audio warning - non TTS" is closed, where can I post, here or? Open new thread? Or some existing one?
    My question is similar like this thread, but not WECv7
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    I did tried the suggestions mentioned on this forum about nonTTS but I always get stuck, it would be nice to get help from person with more knowledge to point me in right direction. Thank you.

    I just wanted to make sure to put question in right section. Here it is...

    Can someone point me in right direction how to make it work nonTTS speedcam warnings with .wav files.
    If it is possible of course, because I saw other posts from you @Boki_Srb
    "that NG can not use wav files, Primo can." as well as @osiris4isis says:
    .wav works perfectly under NextGen9.18.27.687519-Gift(26Jan2017)*. Configuring it to work for speedcam is another story.

    I use NG - 19.JUN.2018. (no skin) Android 7. And I have TTS speedcam warnings working with no problem, it's all OK. But I need nonTTS sepeedcam warnings too.

    I tried couple things, but I always get just beep sound warning.
    Thread: Speedcam audio warning - non TTS, didn't work for me.
    Thread: Help with NON TTS Nextgen speedcams audio (WECv7) - @osiris4isis was trying to help person who opened that thread but no luck.

    So, first, is it possible to configure NG - 19.JUN.2018. with speedcam warnings nonTTS with .wav files or I have to use some other iGO version or skin for that?

    This is what i tried:
    is_spoken=1 and with is_spoken=0


    In @Brown Dog post about nonTTS thread he have:

    I tried like that, and I tried with:

    I tried to add this line as well:

    I tried to put audio files in:
    and in:

    And I tried to put audio in data.zip (ui_nextgen/audio folder). Yes, I didn't opended that zip, I just drag files inside with older version of winrar like is suggested in this forum.

    It's always beep sound warning for me, no .wav audio.

    This is my last sys I tried:
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    I can do all over again testing, just need to know what I need to fix it.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Audio files in nextgen
    Audio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgen
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    Well, not exactly, so created new topic, for now.
    Have you read this topic:
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    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #3
    Moderator Audio files in nextgen
    Audio files in nextgen
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    @ kikiupload

    This is my way how to make it work nonTTS speedcam warnings with .wav files on iGO NextGen navigation.

    First of all you must have recoreded audio warnings in your own language.
    All of this recorded files you put in folder iGO_****\ui_nextgen\audio\SC2057.

    SC2057 is code for English language for example.

    In archive SettingsNonTTSSpeedcamWarnings.7z there is files - the_skin_by_pongo.zip and speedcam.zip.

    Delete files speedcam.zip and any other skin.zip file in ux folder.

    Copy the_skin_by_pongo.zip and speedcam.zip to iGO_****\ux folder.

    Also, from sys.txt in archive SettingsNonTTSSpeedcamWarnings.7z copy and replace in your sys.txt all lines.

    Now you follow steps like on picture to select Non TTS Speedcam warnings.

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    If you want to disable beep sound you must do this –
    Open – not extract – data.zip.
    In ui_nextgen/audio delete - !sectionbeepB.wav.
    Attached Files Attached Files
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    Last edited by nens; 26th May 2020 at 05:18 PM.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by nens View Post
    @ kikiupload
    This is my way how to make it work nonTTS speedcam warnings with .wav files on iGO NextGen navigation....
    Thank you for reply and this detailed examples.
    Yeah, I get it about recoreded audio warnings in your own language, first I just wanna see can it work with .wav at all, then I'll adjust audio language.

    Oh, I didn't know about that SC2057 code. Where can I found codes for other languages? For now I'll go with english for test.

    I'll get back you after I try this.
    Last edited by Boki; 26th May 2020 at 06:27 PM. Reason: approved

  6. #5
    Master jorgeultra's Avatar
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    Dec column for DA-SC files and Hex column for vr, vr_vde files.

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  7. #6
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    Thank you again for instructions you were very helpful, it worked like a charm
    It played the exact .wav file I set up, all OK!

    I'm curious now, this method works with pongo skin, is it possible to configure without it? Just regular NextGen navigation no skin.
    If I do all thise steps just without skin, can it work? (I'll sure try that when I catch the time) But I guess, I'll need something else to make it work without skin.

    And thank you for that list.

  8. #7
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    I just want to point out, even I set up, english language and voice in iGO regional settings, and put my .wav files in SC2057 folder as suggested, in my skin settings alert point settings speedcam voice was SC1063 and can't change that. So I created both folders, SC2057 and SC1063 and put .wav files inside. I realized later that it use files from SC1063, and I can select any language in regional settings.
    Maybe someone will find that information useful.
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    Last edited by Boki; 28th May 2020 at 10:55 AM. Reason: spoiler...

  9. #8
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    Because I want to have regular NextGen version no skin and play .wav files for speedcam alerts I did a quick test.
    I did all tips from above:
    -create SC1063 folder with .wav files (ui_nextgen/audio/SC1063)
    -copy that lines for speedcam warning in sys which @nens gave me
    -and I copy that speedcam.zip file from nens too.

    So, I didn't go with pongo skin this time, and .wav warnings files for speedcam worked, all OK. Just, it was messy design for speedcam because there was no pongo skin now.
    My guess would be I need to configure something in original speedcam.zip then it will play .wav files.

    First I compared plugin.ini. My original was empty, no any code, and nens plugin.ini is not empty. So I tried to use his plugin.ini, but no luck. It still doesn't play .wav files. It must be something else that triggers .wav files.
    I'll keep trying
    Last edited by Boki; 28th May 2020 at 06:29 PM. Reason: approved

  10. #9
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Especially in the latest Pongo Skins the number of DA and SC folders does not depend on the language that is set in the Regional Settings but on the language set on the Device (Smartphone).

    If I rename my folder from SC1040 to SC1050, the folder is not considered, in the Speedcam Voice section I see SC9999 and the Speedcam Test section is not enabled.

    The Arimi Skin works in another way, however just look at the folder that is considered by the Software and insert the wav audio files into it.

    I did not understand what system you used to be able to use audio files.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    Especially in the latest Pongo Skins the number of DA and SC folders does not depend on the language that is set in the Regional Settings but on the language set on the Device (Smartphone).

    I did not understand what system you used to be able to use audio files.
    It does? Well, my system language on my smartphone is English, and why in Speedcam Voice section I see that SC1063 and can't be changed I do not know. So, I put my audio files in that folder and it works, don't ask me why, but it works

    What system I use? I mentioned above, NG - 19.JUN.2018. (no skin) Android 7 on smartphone.

    Well, my attempts paid off, it worked!!
    So, without skin now it play .wav files!! Probably not the best way how I configure this, but hey, it's working.

    So, I copy and this files from speedcam.zip that nens post here, to my original speedcam.zip and now without pongo skin it play .wav files.

    This files I added to my speedcam.zip:
    - plugin.ini (ux\speedcam\)
    - speedcam.lua (ui_nextgen\common\ui)
    - speedcam_obs.ui (ui_nextgen\common\ui)
    - speedcam.ui (ui_nextgen\common\ui)
    - speedcam_mods.ui (ui_nextgen\common\ui)

    When I would dig dipper about this, I would probably find out what exactly trigger .wav files with no pongo skin, but all I care is to make this work, and now it's working Good enough for me.

    But if some expert guys wanna explain this, I'll make tips and steps how to do it for others in right way. Everything I figured out and tried I mentioned.
    Last edited by kikiupload; 29th May 2020 at 06:45 PM.




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