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  1. #1
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    Default Help please on tile selection

    I am trying to "adjust" a big surface coverage mapset GARMIN IMG to an smaller surface. Windows 10.
    Found two "easy" ways:
    a) via MapInstall (use GMapTool to create installation, extract tiles to imgsupp.img via MapInstall to a virtual GPSr)
    b) if edition is a must: via javawa device manager (create a virtual GPSr with the input.img, open it with javawa, see tiles map, note down ids of tiles, then open the needed tiles with MapEdit, save to mp, edit, recompile with mkgmap, etc.)

    I searched north and south looking for a (free) tool for that ...

    So, first question:
    Is there any other tool available that could make life easier (ability to input IMG mapset directly, show a tile map, extract and compile the needed tiles into a img mapset) ?

    In any case, I have an additional issue. I am using as input the OSM IMGs generated by ComputerTeddy. Issue is, those have a "short range" zoom (five levels, 0:24, 1:22, 2:20, 3:18, 4:17); Then, either MapInstall or javawa are uncomfortable to use: if zoom is far away such as have a "proper" 100 or 200 or 500kms perspective then tiles are shown just as empty rectangles (level 4) so there is no information to
    decide what tiles to select. And, getting close enough one loses overall perspective, and, while information is shown for each tile, it is unclear what tiles to select. So, back and for zooming and unzooming... and prone to errors in the extraction, missing tiles needed or extracting tiles unneeded.

    I searched again for a (free) tool or a procedure (IMG hex editing) that could solve this issue (even I do not fully understand the resolution/level thingy, I imagine that 4:17 could be "moved" to 8:9 and somehow so levels could be added in between 24 to 18 or added after 18...)

    I was considering splitting the IMG, process the tiles with mp to change levels/resolution, remake IMG, but
    there are over 140 tiles... and I do not know any command line tool able to process those mp files - could try to study further the mp internal structure of the mp and fiddle with a command line sed/grep/awk etc.
    But looks even more work that zooming in and out.

    Tried to understood if the TRE file could be modified to achieve the sought purpose but to no avail.

    I also considered splitting and re-compiling using the --levels switch in mkgmap -> this could be the most promising path forward - would be nice if someone could confirm if this is viable

    Not studies TYP yet... so perhaps it could be a way

    So, second question:

    Is it there any way to achieve that (tool, hex editing, --levels in mkgmap, ...).

    Additional request...
    Finally, I read in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] that in the extinct yahoo forum for maps there was a tool to fiddle with resolution and levels - level editor. Nowhere in internet can I find it.
    Anyone might have a copy lost in the fossil storage?

    Last edited by caspertone; 21st June 2021 at 03:43 AM.

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  3. #2
    IT Administrator Help please on tile selection
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    Have a look at this program : load and edit every layer you like, then generate Raster/Vector/Geojson and a few others, this program is free and is a hi level GIS.
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    It is Open source.
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  4. #3
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    Thanks for the suggestion.
    I had QGis in my list of pending study matters. Quite steep learning curve. I have been unable to load (garmin) mapset IMGs into it.
    Any indication is welcome!
    (I am editing the original post to ensure that readers understand that I speak about Garmin IMGs and not image IMG nor disk image IMGs)
    Last edited by caspertone; 21st June 2021 at 03:44 AM.

  5. #4
    Important User Help please on tile selection
    Help please on tile selectionHelp please on tile selection
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    If the above post means you're wanting to split Garmin (proprietary) IMG files there is no known way to do that and re-compile into a properly-working IMG after making changes. Garmin protects their official mapping from complete reverse-engineering. GMapTool can split Garmin tiles and make a simple preview map for use in MapSource but it will not have search functions enabled so if you make another IMG map from it it'll be quite useless in a GPSr.
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  6. #5
    Master Help please on tile selectionHelp please on tile selection JmaCWQ's Avatar
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    GpsMapEdit can adjust the zoom levels of maps/tiles.
    But as already noted I think you have to convert to .mp, edit, then convert back to .img.
    I use TypViewer to edit any .typ files, and replace them in the .img using GMapTool.

    I'm not sure if there's any software out there that can do everything in the one program, possibly there is, but I don't know of any.

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  7. #6
    IT Administrator Help please on tile selection
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    I tried to look @ .img but since the apps I use don't need that form of Encryption I forgot about it. Am not interested in modding a Navi unit. I only use TT NDS for fun coz as soon as I get bush they are useless. I use OziExplorer and Trilobite for serious off road work.

    Hi JmaCWQ long time no see.
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  8. #7
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    Thank you all!

    @Butters, @Magnetron

    My aim is not at all to tinker with garmin propietary protected maps. I am happy with the lifetime updates of CN I paid for, and I do not plan either to tinker with those IMGs.

    My target is to use in my garmin those osm free maps in IMG mapset format, such as the ones provided in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Besides eventually for my GPSrs, the most interesting use of the IMGs for me is to plan trips (for what I use user oriented open software that is able to use IMGs - other formats need more expertise). Editing maps (beyond chopping not needed areas and adjusting zoom) is not my interest, just a hassle in order to allow me the planning: for practical reasons I wish to have smaller size files just of the areas of interest for me. Lets say, for example, I wish just Ireland but not UK in the same file. So I wish to remove UK from the file. Or just the Loira river area and not full France. Sydney but not Adelaida. Algonquin Park but not full Ontario. Benin but not full Africa. Yosemite Park but not full California. You name it.

    Tools go (MapEdit cannot load full size France IMG), go faster (CPU, RAM reasons), less Disk access and lower use of storage...

    I am really surprised to find out that no tool seems available to do what I would like. Even to build up a toolchain with command based executables performing each one step. But starts to look that garmin IMG tinkering is passé, old knowledge forgotten, no further/new tools development that use it. There is not even a x64 version of MapEdit! (with big issues of RAM limitations) - seems there is no demand for Konstantin to take the effort. It seems a miracle that he keeps it updated and removing issues and adding some features.


    Tinkering with garmin maps (even purchased ones) is illegal in most countries, but others not (although usually restricted to own non-commercial fair use). Whatever is the case, I am not interested in that, but note that although illegal it can be done; same applies to GPSrs firmware.

    GMaptool is the a) path that I indicated and the less un-efficient.


    So, can zoom levels be adjusted with a different TYP file?

    TIA again,
    Last edited by caspertone; 21st June 2021 at 11:40 PM.

  9. #8
    IT Administrator Help please on tile selection
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    Hope you find something that does what your after,
    Since the 2017 crash this is the ruling now prob the reason no one is doing such things your after on here.

    Under Rule #9 here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    9- BE RESPECTFUL OF THE LAW . This means no upload of any illegal activities, copyright infringement, or pirated intellectual property.

    ALL Garmin and Tom Tom Maps that are uploaded will be removed and anybody that re-uploads a file that has been taken down will receive infractions for not following the rules.
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  10. #9
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I do not understand why you are having problems. If you know anything about Garmin GPS units the easiest way to make any size map is to use "Garmin Mapsource".
    In the example I show in the screen shot using an Openstreet map installed on my laptop. "Openstreet Belgium,Holland, Luxemburg and Germany.

    Please note most openstreet maps come with an install version for your PC or a complele IMG file to copy to your GPS Unit.

    In the PC installed version you can pick any area of the map you want and add as many tiles as you want and make a IMG of the area you need.

    See screen shot:

    Spoiler: How to pick map tiles you want.

    I have picked 3 tiles as this example to compile into an IMG file to use on my Garmin GPS.

    I have an arrow pointing to the tool you use to pick the tiles you want. Click on each till you and and they will show in the window to the left.
    Then go to the menu again and pick "Transfer"
    Spoiler: Transfer to GPS unit


    Make sure you GPS Unit is attached to your PC......

    Then click "Send to Device" it will then make the file "gmapsupp.img".

    Make sure you do not have a file on your GPS already with the name "gmapsupp.img" rename it or copy it to your PC.

    If you have a new GPS for hiking you can also give it a different name to reflect what map it is.
    That also goes for the map you just transfers to you GPS via "Garmin Mapsource"

    You can also do the same for any owned Garmin map that is installed on your PC that you paid for.

    Remember you can only use Garmin Paid maps for your own personal use if you make map tiles from a commercial version you own and is install on your PC using "Garmin Mapsource"

    We do this all the time when I take people out for the first time they every used a handheld GPS Unit.
    I make a small openstreet maps of the area I am taking the group on. Each having a GPS unit I supply for them to use.

    Spoiler: Copyright and License for Openstreet Maps
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    You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. The full legal code explains your rights and responsibilities.
    Last edited by asprin624; 22nd June 2021 at 01:32 PM.

  11. #10
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    Thank you for pointing why answers might be scarce. I wish to understand that the text is not pointing indirectly that I might be doing illegal activities at all.

    Using mkgmag (UK tool, developed using reverse engineering technologies allowed by US and EU laws for interoperatibility) and using OSM open and free data without use restriction (just than recognition and sharing if publicited) allowing derivative works (personal use does not even requires sharing) does not infringe any law at all. I know, it is double technology that can be misused. Not the case. Rest assured.




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