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  1. #21
    Master Disable screen capture function in Primo Gjon's Avatar
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    Here are the snake legs

    Here is the [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] is a video of the problem I am facing. This is the 480x270 ver. but it goes the same for the 800x480 ver.

    Edit: Ok, I am pretty dumb , I did not even notice that there was a Civic pack in 800x480 res. which does not have the same issue as the 480x270. What I did here a long time ago is put 800x480 res. folder from another pack under ui_igo9 in data.zip leaving everything unchanged essentially inheriting the problem. Oh well.
    Last edited by Gjon; 25th October 2023 at 06:59 PM.

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  3. #22
    iGO Enthusiast Disable screen capture function in Primo
    Disable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in Primo
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    Well, you are just negligent ...

    You uploaded data for 800x480 which is surprisingly smaller than original (27MB vs 20), at least that's what it seemed to me at first glance.
    Actually, you seem to have created a strange mix.
    - You left in it ui_igo9 from 800x480 but you kept junctionview 480_272_Lanes ...
    - Missing skin_null folder
    - differ scripts.lua (compared to both my packages) which is encrypted. This can be the main cause, because it calls inappropriate functions that do not not match the others.

    The original data.zip for 480x272 is 13MB (vs yours 20)

    You didn't posted your sys, also

    Get the real data zip that comes from the [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], test, then let's talk further
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #23
    Master Disable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in PrimoDisable screen capture function in Primo
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    the problem is well contained in the data.zip which was modified by additions in 2014 (i.e. 1 year after the distribution of the archive), we find modifications in layers.ui and functions.lua which stage this capture unusual screen, I put the elements in comments to keep track of the elements and incorporated the two files in the data.zip
    Gjon will therefore be able to keep his new [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] as is

    Spoiler: UI

    ;----Capture Screen---------------

    ;<layer ui_wOverCaptureMessage z=100006>
    ; <DIV class=full>
    ; <BUTTON resize_bmp=1 left=25% right=25% top=40% bottom=40% bmp="msgbox_bg.bmp" onrelease='ui_wOverCaptureMessage:HIDE()'>
    ; <TEXT txt_wOverCaptureMessage class="font_main bd inv" padding=0 left=10% top=5% right=10% bottom=5% align="center" valign="center" leading=_0.80 wordwrap=2>
    ; </BUTTON>
    ; </DIV>
    ;<layer ui_wOverCapture z=(vActiveState == "st_easynav" && !%navigation.is_in_simulation && %lua.dragMode ? 34 : 100005)>
    ; <DIV class=header>
    ; <BUTTON left=0 top=0 w=66% h=100% onrelease=sc_wOverCapture visible=(!(st_EasyNav.isActive && !%navigation.is_in_simulation && !%lua.dragMode))>
    ; </DIV>

    Spoiler: LUA

    -----Capture Screen----------------
    -- wShowCaptureMessageTimer = -1
    -- sc_wOverCapture = function()
    -- if type(sc_wCaptureScreen) == "function" then
    -- sc_wCaptureScreen()
    -- else
    -- if wShowCaptureMessageTimer ~= -1 then
    -- killDelayed(wShowCaptureMessageTimer)
    -- wShowCaptureMessageTimer = -1
    -- ui_wOverCaptureMessage:HIDE()
    -- end
    -- MODEL.ui.__screenshot()
    -- doDelayed(15, function()
    -- txt_wOverCaptureMessage.TEXT = m_i18n("DEBUG~Screen Captured")
    -- ui_wOverCaptureMessage:SHOW()
    -- wShowCaptureMessageTimer = doDelayed(100, function() ui_wOverCaptureMessage:HIDE() end)
    -- end)
    -- end
    -- end

    -- obs_wovercapture = var.observer({ONCHANGE = function() doDelayed(1, function() ui_wOverCapture:SHOW() ui_wOverCaptureMessage:HIDE() end) end, MODEL = MODEL.ui.vActiveState, TRIGGER_ON_START = false})
    -- obs_wovercapture:START()
    Last edited by lunapark; 26th October 2023 at 02:27 PM.

  5. #24
    Master Disable screen capture function in Primo Gjon's Avatar
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    That is the data.zip that I "made" by adding 800x480 and deleting the original 480x272 from the Civic pack. The video you saw is the original Civic with 480x272. Everything stayed the same except the res folder, so the "problem" originated from the original package.
    Spoiler: sys
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    That solved it, thanks.



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