JNX files are used to hold both a map image and its calibration. The files created by MAPC2MAPC are usable only on certain Garmin units that have an unofficial version of the firmware installed. JNX files can be much larger than Custom Map (KMZ) files, can have several levels (although MAPC2MAPC only creates a single level) and are usually faster to display
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] is a command line program to create multi-level JNX files from Mobile Atlas sets created as OSMTracker or SAS Planet format. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] merges the contents of two JNX files to create one - this is for two maps of the same area but different zoom levels.
To create maps that can be seen in Garmin outdoor gps units running a patched firmware [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
download maps with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
The configuration should be:
In: Map Source: Google Earth ** In: Zoom Levels: 17, 15 y 13 // 19 In: Layer settings: click on Recreate; Width: 256; Height: 256 and Tile format: JPEG - quality100 In: Atlas Content: Name: **** and click on: Add selection In: Atlas settings Format: OSMTracker tiles storage Click : Create atlas.
** server of your country
open a command window more or less like this:
C:\MOBAT2JNX\mobat2jnx.exe C:\MOBAC\atlases\sample\Google Earth and you'll have the files .JNX
I am looking for registration code for MAPC2MAPC. With mapc2mapc creating custom maps is very simple but it is putting too many red crosses on the map, when it is not registered.
Can anybody help? For using JNX you have to patch the firmware. Not sure I am ready to do it, and patches I sow are for very old firmware versions only. It will avoid the guaranty of the unit. I am using garmin 62s. thanks.
- Show part of map (scrollable) on TFW screen
- Allow blank lines in TFW files (FAA charts)
- Write files compatible with iPhone BitMap application
- Cut images into tiles with calibration.
MAPC2MAPC update 466
- JNX creation in certain countries;
- 2-corner calibration.
MAPC2MAPC update 467
Enhancements and fixes:
- Improve Mobile Atlas image quality
- Fix Map with ECW
- Write GEFM Mobile Atlas format.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 469 and 469_64
- Transparent tile edges in SQLITE mobile Atlas;
- Write BSB Charts (KAP);
- More cropping options when loading maps.
Note: Not that 64bit version does not support larger TIFF files - but you can install both versions with one registration.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 470 and 470_64
- Read calibration data from WCI files, option to recalibrate a map completely
- Large TIFF files supported in 64bit version.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 471 and 471_64
- Faster load of KAP files;
- Allow higher zoom for some mobile atlas output;
- Write AFTRACK format compatible with iPhone Multiplans app.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 472 and 472_64
- Option to save map image as JPG instead of PNG;
- New function to overlay SRTM-derived contours onto maps.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 473 and 473_64
- Replace MrSIDDecode with MrSIDGeoDecode;
- Load track points as icons;
- Faster load of large TIFF files and smaller cache for these.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 474 and 474_64
- Improve mobile atlas image quality;
- Fix Polyconic KAP files;
- Finish tile selection early;
- Warning when merging SQLITEDB files;
- Display ouput from GDAL etc.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 475 and 475_64
- Make mobile atlas tile selection before the mobile atlas is built (instead of in stages);
- New functionality to built maps from a local or internet tile server either using a route or track or specifying a place name.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 476 and 476_64
- Increase number of tiles on KML import to 5000;
- Batch processing with TFW remembers settings from last GUI use - so removing prompts.
Last edited by catymag; 10th July 2014 at 03:56 PM.
Reason: merged 12 versions posts
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 478 and 478_64
- Choice of JNX version 3 or 4;
- Fix Mobile Atlas Tile selection;
- [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] new functionality.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 479 and 479_64
- Accept .wpt and GPX WPT in Track overlays;
- Improvement to BitMap ouput (now a folder containing a folder whose name is the calibration - needs BitMap 3.16);
- Control Map Pin stalk colour;
- Fix pin generation (now a utility - first pin was wrong size).
Note that the "m2grids" file has been sorted into alphabetical order.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 480 and 480_64
- Create ORUX sqlite (*.db) mobile atlas;
- Drag waypoints when map zoomed out;
- Shift+left mouse drag for waypoints instead of right mouse drag;
- New function to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] a map from a tile server now including servers with Bing-style (0123) tile references.
Please note there is a bug affecting sqlite creation in v480 - fix on 12March.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 481 and 481_64
Fix failure to create SQLite bug in v480 - please download this instead.
Also [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] function to create BitMap.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 483 and 483_64
Bug fixes including XML "/>" not being recognised.
Last edited by catymag; 10th July 2014 at 03:57 PM.
Reason: merged 5 posts
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 484 and 484_64
Enhancements to map pins functionality (delete/insert).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 485 and 485_64
- Automatically zip BitMap output;
- Fixes for loading Multi-level KML/KMZ files;
- Remove zoom limit on SQLITE ouput;
- [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] function to create Androzic;
- When writing several MGMaps to the same folder, the content is merged (as for some other Mobile Atlas creations).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 486 and 486_64
- Better performance using Multi-threading when creating Mobile Atlas;
- Open KMZ without <Folder>;
- Handle Polyconic projections for KAP and MAP files.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] updates 487 and 487_64
- Improve Grid positioning;
- Correct rounding errors when reprojecting;
- Write GeoTIFF output;
- Fixes for screen resolutions not 96 ppi.
My program does not open files with the tiff, tif extension and opens normally. Tell me how you can convert the tiff to tif. The file size of 12GB, it will not open Photoshop. Tell me, what can be done?
Simply rename it?
12GB ???
I am not surprised you can't open it!!! You may need to enable a LOT of scratch disk space.
Where on earth did you obtain an image of that size? It would have to be in BigTIFF format surely.
My largest EVER TIF file was about 4GB (packbit) and even that was a nightmare to manipulate.
I would not expect MAPC2MAPC to open it even with VS enabled.