Another alternative to the above:-
Get QuickGPSFix-data without using TomTom-Home v2.05
OS : Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista (32-bit)
What to do . . . .
*) Look in the map ".\ephem" on your TomTom:
If the file "lto.dat" exist your TomTom has the GlobalLocate chipset.
If "" exist your TomTom has the SiRFStarIII chipset.
1) If your TomTom has the GlobalLocate chipset:
a) Copy the 3 files : GlobalLocate_GLLTO.exe
: GlobalLocate_TomTom.exe
: WGet.exe
to the map ".\ephem" on your TomTom.
b) Run "GlobalLocate_TomTom" and test it for a few days.
Test also the update form the "GLLTO" site for a few days.
! For the best GPSFix preformence update every 3-4 days.
c) Choose the "GlobalLocate_???" file that give's the best result.
2) If your TomTom has the SiRFStarIII chipset:
a) Copy the 4 files : SiRFStarIII_HTC.exe
: SiRFStarIII_MIO.exe
: SiRFStarIII_TomTom.exe
: WGet.exe
to the map ".\ephem" on your TomTom.
b) Run "SiRFStarIII_TomTom" and test it a few days.
Test also the update from the "MIO" and "HTC" site a few days.
! For the best GPSFix preformence update every 3-4 days.
c) Choose the "SiRFStarIII_???" file that give's the best result.