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  1. #11

    Default RE: 3-D MarinerEye view or FishEye view


    3-D MarinerEye view or FishEye view is only for Garmin chartplotter.
    HomePort can just show shaded relief if enabled in settings. It's also possible to view aerial photos (Marine -> Photo point) in HomePort if the map contains that information.

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  3. #12
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    Is there a newer version of it or it is the latest?

  4. #13


    It is a fairly old map (v10.00, 2007).
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] is a litte bit newer (v10.50, 2008).
    The actual version might be 12.00 or 12.50, but nobody shared it yet.

  5. #14


    Can't download, please upload again zippy links, thank you

  6. #15
    Important User Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
    Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
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    Try to use report button please instead of posting in threads

    This is a 2007 map! download a newer map here
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  7. #16
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    Ok hey ho lets go.......

    Have GPSMAP4008 with SD card in it VEU452S ver 10.5 (not on the forum to get can upload somwere after if needed advice please)
    I am trying to make copy of my old SD card on NEW SD Card and make it readible in GPSMAP4008.
    I have PC SD Card Reader old and new Sd card connected to the PC K: disk
    I am familiare with GMapTool ver 08186801 and gmt.exe JMouse 1.5 fixed, Hardware ID Extractor, RemovePersonalData
    No luck with installing MapSource HomePort or BaseCamp have XP SP2 but would like to do it NOT using this tools but raw cmd line mode and direct copy .img and other files on the e SD card. (I know need XP SP3 because of framework 3.5SP1 but after install no luck to get it work please ignore this)

    So this is Log of GMapTool (Info)
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    Q: Why PID and FID are 0 at the and ? .................. in the listing you see PID=1 FID=489 witch is wrong

    FID 489 from file All_Garmin_BlueCharts_g2.txt is
    489. 1, 5, 11 BlueChart g2 Vision VAW450S-The Gulf (v10.50)
    489, 1, 5, 43 BlueChart g2 Vision VEU477S-Iceland West (v10.50)
    What I am missing here ?
    Q: I think this map is unlocked but how to checkit with GMapTool or something else ? If it locked or not on the PC?
    So after coppying all data from old SD card on HDD I read with Hardware ID extractor the ID of the NEW SD card
    Partition ID: 9016-4EF8 converted from HEX to DEC became 2417381112
    So this is SD NEW CARD ID num for JetMouse 10 num correct ?
    put in JM Unit ID 2417381112
    Garmin Mobile TX <----------------- is this the right joice?
    Generated: A6V8BXJP8ABMXKMLBDYNSQPBX ................ 25 digit num first
    Select Map Product FID:489 PID:1 RgnID:0 VendID:0 (Q:correct or not dubt from GMapTool log?)
    Generated map unlock code: 2UQGACVCA973LYWZG72D2C3EY ................ 25 digit num second
    created gmapsupp.unl and pasted the 25 dig num fisrt and second inside ? ............. right ?

    log of gmapsupp.unl

    Made Garmin folder in root on New SD card copyed gmapsupp.unl and gmapsupp.img
    Q:Its possible to implement the 25 dig unlock code inside the gmapsupp.img and with what tool for example associated to the ID num of the device NOT of the SD card?

    Please advice if I am wrong in something here ?
    Last edited by catymag; 30th January 2014 at 06:44 PM. Reason: coded log

  8. #17
    Important User Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
    Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
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    First: I'd suggest to download a newer Bluechart, yours is too old:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Second: use this to unlock it
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Third: Homeport is the right program to display BC on pc
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    don't use MS or Basecamp.
    Fourth: put in sd/Garmin/gmapsupp.img (only one gmapsupp.img per sd) and ,after using gimgunlock, don't add the .unl file

    Edit: to see the complete Gmaptool log click on Details button
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #18
    Important User Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
    Garmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North CoastGarmin BlueChart g2 Vision Adriatic Sea, North Coast
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    Bluecharts have FID, PID, RgnID, VenID
    so they can have the same FID but different RgnID VenID. These numbers vary according to chart coverage- PID is always 1.
    If FID is less than 2200 you can use JM and .unl made in JM advanced mode and using also PID, RgnID, SubregionID (alias improperly called in JM vend ID) or all the BC features wont be unlocked.
    If FID is greater than 2200 JM wont work.
    Be sure to have the latest firmware in your GPS, because newer Bluecharts in some devices need new firmware
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #19
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    Downloaded BlueChart g2 Vision VEU014R - Italy, Adriatic Sea 2013.0 (v14.50)
    Directory of H:\Garmin\IMG\VEU014R1450
    17.10.2013 02:44 1.457.356.800 gmapsupp.img
    17.10.2013 12:07 4.315 readme.txt
    17.10.2013 00:15 73.303 VEU014R.jpg
    3 File(s) 1.457.434.418 bytes

    Downloaded Garmin Image Unlock gimgunlock up to v.0.03 and unpacked
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    copying gmapsupp.img on K:/Garmin SD Card K: withou the .unl file

    What I understand now the mao is unlocked and be copyed on any sd card and it will work on different garmin device like Gpasmap521s and Gpsmap4008 right ?
    What if I would to lock the map to the ID of the garmin device plese advice
    Last edited by catymag; 31st January 2014 at 12:18 AM. Reason: coded log

  11. #20
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    I compared the new and old gmapsupp.img from beckup elsewhere it said they are byte identical .......?

    Thank YOU for your help and time catymag Da!



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