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  1. #11
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin devices preboot mode
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    This device's Linux OS is very different to a 'normal' Garmin nuvi's proprietary OS and Cure3 or any other such cure won't work. Maybe [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] can help with this. Send him a Private Message.
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  3. #12


    No ways to recovery this device - no original firmware avaible

  4. #13


    do not get put in preboot mode nuvi 42.
    if I press the top left corner, the calibration of the screen.
    ineed put the device in garmin mode, no storage mode.
    software 400,
    update: I managed to run the preboot mode, but short, until it exits the calibration screen.
    There any way to leave the gps in garmin mode and not in mass storage?
    Last edited by haute; 24th September 2014 at 12:56 AM.

  5. #14
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin devices preboot mode
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    If it's not bricked, you can reach preboot by pressing the battery symbol on the main screen for ~6 secs. Provided that the hidden menu is open it should stay in preboot and be flashable via Updater.exe.
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  6. #15
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Following quote comes from another thread, dealing with a nüvi 750:

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    <...> Did you put the nuvi properly into pre-boot? It's a little different to others. Firstly have updater.exe open on your desktop with the *.rgn file already loaded and a dot in the 'USB Device' radio button. With unit OFF hold the upper RIGHT corner of screen, slide power button to left then quickly to the right to lock and as soon as the Garmin logo appears immediately plug in the mini-usb to the unit. When your unit's details appear in the USB Window of updater.exe, quickly press the 'OK' button.
    A friend of mine has a bricked nüvi 765. Would the procedure to get it into pre-boot mode be the same as described above for the nüvi 750?

  7. #16
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    HWID for nüvi 7x5 is 0870. Would that also be the case for a Volvo nüvi 765T?

  8. #17
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin devices preboot mode
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    Following quote comes from another thread, dealing with a nüvi 750:
    A friend of mine has a bricked nüvi 765. Would the procedure to get it into pre-boot mode be the same as described above for the nüvi 750?
    The 7x0/7x5 family are queer fish. I always use the method you've quoted with them, but some will also enter preboot by that same method holding anywhere on the screen. I've found with 7x0 often anywhere works, but with some so does holding the upper right corner. All the 765's i've seen only go to preboot holding the upper right crn though. I've also read reports that some users have found only by holding the centre of the screen or on/above the 'RM' of GARMIN for standard EU/US logo splash can they reach preboot. Maybe there's regional hardware/firmware difference, e.g. Asian units but i really dunno. The one sure thing is that you only have a matter of seconds to act when in preboot with nuvi 7 series so you can't mess around.

    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    HWID for nüvi 7x5 is 0870. Would that also be the case for a Volvo nüvi 765T?
    There seems no hard and fast rules on this. Many 'branded' nuvis have the same HWID as the originals with just a different splash screen in the logo [rgn16], but some have different HWIDs such as 760 Mercedes/Smart which has 0788 compared to US/EU 760's of 0754 for instance. I don't know about Volvo 765 which is EU only i think. It's possible that car-branded units which use a custom cradle have different HWID to the donor units and those that use the stock-standard powered mounts don't. But again, i dunno and that's only conjecture.

    If you can get the unit into preboot, look at the HWID in G7ToWin: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
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  9. #18
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    Tried it on a nüvi 200 in pre-boot mode. Works well! Waiting to receive the bricked nüvi 765T so I can repeat the trick.
    Learning something new every day!

  10. #19
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin devices preboot mode
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    Lol! Too true, always something to learn. You maybe will get an further education when you lay hands on that bricked 765 too. I predict it won't be easy as your 200 to get into preboot and you must move fast. The 7 series isn't like 1xxx/2xx for instance where you can gin around for a while before it goes to the calibration screen. Fortunately like other garmin units if they're not bricked you can use the hidden menu behind the battery symbol to enter a form of preboot for flashing and it stays in that state ad infinitum. Until i got it down pat with the bricked 765, i felt that i needed to be like the 4-armed chef Elzar on Futurama, another set of hands would been ... well .. 'handy'. At one stage i resorted to hitting enter with my elbow to start the flash but still missed it. My pain is your gain SF:


    I really want one of those Spice Weasels, but you can keep the Neptunian Slugs.
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  11. #20
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    From what you described, that's exactly what I am expecting. I may ask my daughter or son to lend me a hand or two (pun intended...) to make up for the four required hands. If I can get them away from their smart phone, that is...!



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