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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
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    Hi there.. new here so excuse me for noob questions.. I've been trying to get IGO working on my android car GPS with no luck so far so I thought I"d look at this as well .. I have downloaded from another site at some point 2 apps CoPilot Live Premium Europe_v9.4.0.144crk and CoPilot GPS_v9.6.2.736 which apart from the version numbers I presume should work just as yours above.. Before I try I wanted to confirm the steps.

    Install live premium apk.. OK so when it asks me to register can I put literally any name and email? do I even have to create an email to get some kind of verification code ???? or can I just invent an email providing it's in the correct format "[email protected]" for example?

    OK load a small map and try.. do I assume correctly that once I've created my fake ID I can download maps from co-pilot via wifi ? Or are we talking manual install with maps downloaded from here or elsewhere .While I'm asking can I choose to save these to an external sd card? once I've tried a small map and it works can I then download full europe maps afterwards? And if so should I do this before installing the second copilot gps.apk or do I switch to that one then delete the file and then download extra maps?

    just trying to get the process straight in my mind .. all help gratefully received
    Last edited by gizmo; 10th December 2014 at 11:27 PM.

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  3. #12
    iGO&Becker Moderator Korabi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizmo View Post
    Hi there.. new here so excuse me for noob questions.. I've been trying to get IGO working on my android car GPS with no luck so far so I thought I"d look at this as well .. I have downloaded from another site at some point 2 apps CoPilot Live Premium Europe_v9.4.0.144crk and CoPilot GPS_v9.6.2.736 which apart from the version numbers I presume should work just as yours above.. Before I try I wanted to confirm the steps.

    Install live premium apk.. OK so when it asks me to register can I put literally any name and email? do I even have to create an email to get some kind of verification code ???? or can I just invent an email providing it's in the correct format "[email protected]" for example?

    OK load a small map and try.. do I assume correctly that once I've created my fake ID I can download maps from co-pilot via wifi ? Or are we talking manual install with maps downloaded from here or elsewhere .While I'm asking can I choose to save these to an external sd card? once I've tried a small map and it works can I then download full europe maps afterwards? And if so should I do this before installing the second copilot gps.apk or do I switch to that one then delete the file and then download extra maps?

    just trying to get the process straight in my mind .. all help gratefully received
    you can to install copilot and registered with fake email,after with WIFI you can download all maps.

  4. #13
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    So I don't even need to create a mail to get some kind of one-off confirmation code? Just invent something and download maps via wifi.. Is the "download a small map" just to test it works before downloading something larger? OK I'll give this a go.

    EDIT well it's downloading maps fine so when that has finished I'll do the last 2 steps and see what it does
    Last edited by gizmo; 11th December 2014 at 09:29 AM.

  5. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
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    OK quick question I've done the first 2 steps. installed the live-premuim version and downloaded the europe maps.. it works just fine.. why is it then necessary to install and switch to the co-pilot GPS app? I'm not disputing it.. just wondering if someone can explain why it's necessary.. what happens if I just try to use the livepremium version?

    OK well the gps version just gives me sorry can't verify your purchase with the google store.. I don't get any "later" options just an arrow and clicking that closes the app.. tried relaunching the app several times but no difference? what now .. lucky patcher?

    nope no luck with lucky patcher either.. same error. cannot verify purchase.
    Last edited by gizmo; 11th December 2014 at 10:56 AM.



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