Open ECW with with File>Open via GDAL
To merge two JNX files, use the utility function of MAPC2MAPC Convert JNX to Mobile Atlas writing both outputs to the same place; then use the command-line program MOBAT2JNX to make a new JNX file
Global Mapper can load and save jnx so it should be able to merge them
Open ECW with with File>Open via GDAL
To merge two JNX files, use the utility function of MAPC2MAPC Convert JNX to Mobile Atlas writing both outputs to the same place; then use the command-line program MOBAT2JNX to make a new JNX file
Can you put here a registration code?
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 506 (506_64) is available for download.
- Option to crop by pixel position or latitude/longitude;
- Fix overflows from latest version of SRTM2OSM;
- Memory management improvements.
Note: From version 506, the 64bit program is installed in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86). Recommended to uninstall the old version before installing the new. Your registration and preferences will not be lost.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 507 (507_64) is available for download.
- Allow AlpineQuest files greater than 2GB;
- Improve image quality when selecting map tiles;
- Allow crop specification by Latitude/Longitude when creating JNX files thus allowing maps to abut exactly;
- New function to improve contrast ('brighten') map image.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 508 (508_64) is available for download.
- Allow Swiss Grid with TFW calibrations;
- Fix for MCD output;
- Restore progress bar for Warp Map;
- Correct handling of EPSG coordinates in feet;
- Correct ORUX SQLITE batch directory not found;
- Allow adjustment of calibration point coordinates by clicking on the Google Earth pane.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 509 (509_64) is available for download.
- Fix for tile selection view;
- Fix for MAP files with >8 digits.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 510 (510_64) is available for download.
- Output boundary coordinates in JPR file for Memory-map;
- Fix for screen DPI scaling - now works correctly whether or not "XP style scaling" is enabled.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 511 (511_64) is available for download.
- Fix tile selection for Garmin Custom Maps and JNX;
- "Build map from stored tiles" becomes "Build map from Map Source".
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 512 (512_64) is available for download.
- Write ECW files to create maps for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (raster maps on TomTom SatNav devices) and other systems using ECW files;
- Write PRC files for PathAway;
- New [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] functionality;
- New functionality to load a map from a Map sources (Tile Store) that can be scrolled without limit - such maps can be viewed or used as a base for TrackManager but neither altered not output.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 513 (513_64) is available for download.
- Preserve Mercator projections for ttMaps;
- Remove debugging trace from KAP load.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 514 (514_64) is available for download.
- Allow selection of files selected for batch;
- Correct handling of PRJ files;
- Fixes to GPX loading.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 515 (515_64) is available for download.
- Fix for transparent borders in SQLiteDB;
- Fix Maps n Trax made from Mercator maps;
- Fix 'No calibration' error on GeoPDFs;
- The Italy ITA1 and ITA2 grids are changed to Rome 1950 datum to match Ozi;
- New entries for the ED50 datum have been added;
- Usability improved by program remembering different folders for different functions;
- New function to make several JNX files from one input;
- Fix for converting version 4 JNX files to Mobile Atlas.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 516 (516_64) is available for download.
- Fix SeaClear (.wci) decoding;
- Fix JNX scale input;
- Allow "&" in XML;
- Transparency fixes;
- Option to suppress Garmin file name check.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 517 (517_64) is available for download.
- Fix Batch JNX creation;
- Fix KML/KMZ open with [CDATA[;
- CTRL+C copies coordinates to clipboard;
- Fix scroll bar position when dragging;
- Allow override PDF DPI resolution;
- Improve GDAL information.
Last edited by catymag; 10th July 2014 at 04:12 PM. Reason: merged 8 posts
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 518 (518_64) is available for download.
- Allow [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (WMS) as a map source;
- [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] downloaded map tiles;
- Correct UTM printing across zones;
- New CLB and GEO calibration outputs;
- Replace FWTools with GDAL;
- Automatically save new calibrations.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 519 (519_64) is available for download.
- Fixes for "=" in file names;
- Mercator in PRJ files;
- MGMaps creation;
- Projection Parameter (PP) in KAP files;
- Improved performance reading XML syntax (e.g GPX files);
- GDAL path now usually found automatically.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 520 (520_64) is available for download.
- Fixes for PathAway parameters;
- Reading OkMaps;
- Projection parameter (PP) in KAP files.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 521 (521_64) is available for download.
- Expand batch filenames list;
- Fix WMS in European locales;
- Fix gaps when making SQLITE maps;
- Fix transparency when warping;
- Fix loading KLM coordinates;
- New Utility function to view SQLITEDB maps as used by Locus, Galileo etc.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 522 (522_64) is available for download.
- Correct behaviour in certain locales (e.g Turkish);
- Handle WCD files;
- Anti-alias drawn tracks;
- Option to ignore .MAP cross-check on image size;
- Fix for GeoPDFs with Spherical Mercator projections.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 523 (523_64) is available for download.
- Fix overflow errors when drawing tracks or contours;
- Fix drawing on 32-bit images.
Note: When processing GeoTIF or GeoPDF files you may receive a message 'no coordinate information'. This is a [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] in GDAL which occurs when the ECW plugin is installed (even if it is not being used).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 524 (524_64) is available for download.
- Allow more processing for TIF maps - e.g. Load Tracks, Warp and Save;
- Add Stereographic projections for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] maps;
- New page for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ];
- Add Grid for LIDO map projection;
- Fix GEMF file output.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 525 (525_64) is available for download.
Enhance track drawing - two-model colour picker and more control over line width and dash properties.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 526 (526_64) is available for download.
- Use correct map projection when only two calibration points, fix .cal problem with UTM projection;
- Allow creation of KAP files from large TIF files;
- Much faster output of SQLite files;
- Creation of maps in MBTiles format for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ];
- MBTiles map viewer;
- Force Maverick to SQLite format;
- Fix calibration from non-WGS84 grid;
- Fix load rotated KML/KMZ;
- Experimental facility to render [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] vector maps.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 527 (527_64) is available for download.
- New GCP calibration for QuoVadis users;
- Fix MAP file across UTM zones;
- Open TrekBuddy MAP+SET maps (not TARed);
- New Wizard mode (default for new users) with a simplified user interface. Use File > Wizard Mode to enter and Menu Icon to exit.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 528 (528_64) is available for download.
- Further fix to KMZ loading;
- Remove dependence on 7-Zip (except for TrekBuddy TAR output).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 529 (529_64) is available for download.
- Add function to output RMAP files compatible with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ];
- Improve handling of transparency.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 530 (530_64) is available for download.
- Fix out-of-memory error when sharpening maps;
- Fix JNX for latest format information (product ID in sub-block);
- MIME encode batch files for accented characters;
- Add Darken/lighten to Batch functions;
- Fixes for KAP encoding and saving TrekBuddy TAR sets;
- Improve palette for large OZF2 maps.
Note that the latest release of GDAL (10.1) no longer supports writing ECW files. This is due to a change in licensing policy - older versions still work.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 531 (531_64) is available for download.
- Minor fixes: KMZ to Mobile Atlas Conversion;
- OZF2 output;
- PathAway in Wizard and PathAway colour depth control;
- 2 point calibration;
- Add cursor magnifier to calibrate from file of points.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 532 (532_64) is available for download.
- Fix WCI loading;
- Keep calibration window open for four-corner calibration;
- Read some formats of RMAP;
- Process to find ECW and OZF2/3 images when MAP file does not identify them.
Last edited by catymag; 10th July 2014 at 04:14 PM. Reason: merged many old releases posts
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 533 (533_64) is available for download.
- Performance improvements;
- Allow MBTiles as Map Source and changes to handling of Map Sources;
- Remember several Datum Matches;
- Fixes for Warp UTM, JPR for TIF files, WCI with many points and KAP output.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 534 (534_64) is available for download.
Fix for map corruption at certain zoom levels in v533.
Note: If you have v533 replace it with this one.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 535 (535_64) is available for download.
- Fix for KMZ to Mobile Atlas when using CDATA[ in the doc.kml;
- Read some RMP files;
- Allow selection of map area for processing/output when viewing tile stores or databases with CTRL+mouse click;
- Allow datums with 7-factor Helmert transforms.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 536 (536_64) is available for download.
- New output format NMAP for NaviComputer (Windows Phone 7 and 8);
- Handle large WCI maps;
- Support WMS 1.3 (where coordinates are reversed);
- Correct number of tiles selected from map sources;
- Allow calibrations to be handled as 'rubber sheet' as an alternative to 'best fit'.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 537 (537_64) is available for download.
- Expand GEMF to add ZDAT file for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ];
- Allow tile selection in Wizard mode;
- Write TFW with GeoTIFF;
- Build 'quilted' chart file for MX Mariner ([Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 538 (538_64) is available for download.
- Fix for 'Calibrate from a file of points' (bug in v537);
- New functionality to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] photographs.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 539 (539_64) is available for download.
- Add Bonne Projection;
- Make tile margins transparent for AlpineQuest;
- Configure GDAL-DATA when reading ECW and some other files;
- Fix for Irish Grid in MAP file;
- Make LZW compression optional for GeoTIFF.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 540 (540_64) is available for download.
- Add Oblique Mercator projection;
- Stop asking for GeoTIFF output location in batch mode;
- Keep JNX preferences in Wizard mode;
- Remove formulae from output KAP files for large maps;
- Change default Garmin Draw Order to 40.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 541 (541_64) is available for download.
- Performance improvement when viewing;
- Fixes for some Grids;
- Spurious characters in world file;
- Missing data in PRJ;
- Calibration for Mercator_1SP files;
- Ask before overwriting TIF files.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 542 (542_64) is available for download.
- Offer OS format MAP for TrekBuddy TAR;
- More details adjusting calibration points;
- Fixes for Mercator calibration.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 543 (543_64) is available for download.
- Fix to read some RMP files;
- Fix for some OZI MAP files;
- Use GDAL for MrSID files instead of MrSIDGeoDecode;
- Allow editing of some KAP file fields for marine charts;
- Fix to give correct datum on WCI files having two "GD=" entries;
- Fix to read large WCI files (>16MB).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 544 (544_64) is available for download.
- Fix viewing window on Windows 8.1 systems with enlarged fonts;
- Fix program 'hang' when making OZF2 files;
- Fix for batch processing of VMware files;
- Add batch conversion of OruxDB.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 545 (545_64) is available for download.
- Fixes for JNX image size and scale;
- Fix formula lines in KAP charts (WPX, PWX etc.) and fix for KAP files in locales where decimal point is comma;
- New function to build a multi-layer GEMF map around geocache or other waypoints.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 546 (546_64) is available for download.
- Allow GeoTIFFs to be written with transparency;
- Choice of KAP Polynomial methods;
- Merge maps into Time2Place database;
- Allow specification of a clipping path for TIF files.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 547 (547_64) is available for download.
- Fixes: loop writing log at startup, crash after GPX source selection;
- Read RMAP UTM files;
- Progress window for batch jobs.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 548 (548_64) is available for download.
Fix JNX file being written at fixed scale.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 549 (549_64) is available for download.
- Fix for BMP image calibration;
- Write GeoTIFF to OUTPUT folder in batch mode.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 550 (550_64) is available for download.
- Process KAL calibration files and UTM CAL files;
- Option to retain lower case in KAP file names;
- Accept ".jpeg" for ".jpg";
- Option to remove map collar when loading (program removes edge pixel lines that are 90% black or white).
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 551 (551_64) is available for download.
- Option to output GeoTIFF as Mercator;
- Adjust calibration points recalculates immediately and keeps map screen open;
- Option to crop reprojection artefacts;
- Option to add SRTM contours to rendered IMG files.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 552 (552_64) is available for download.
[MAPC2MAPC is now compiled with VB Express2010 - so the .NET environment needed is 4.0 and the SQLite library is updated. This needs no action by users. This version has been tested under Windows 10]
- Improve KMZ/KML loading;
- Allow PNG in ESRI cache;
- Allow 3x3 UTM CAL files;
- Correct Mobile Atlas output from maps that span 180 degrees.