Thanks for your answer
I understand all that but I just wanted to know if the new version v25 could open .img files directly without having to use multiple software.
With your answer I understand that it is not possible
Support for importing and exporting 300+ file formats, this software can not open .img files.
Great software...
With GPSMapEdit, open your .img file, and export to .KMZ. Open the .KMZ with Global Mapper; Layer; Splite in to saparate layers; KML style.
And you'll be able to work on your map... and export it in different formats.
It would also be possible to export it to create an .img again. (Example, export to format; Google Map tile for to be able to create a .ZMP in SASPlanet, and export it to a new .img)
Last edited by Boki; 16th February 2024 at 07:55 PM. Reason: unnecessary quote removed, merged two posts
Thanks for your answer
I understand all that but I just wanted to know if the new version v25 could open .img files directly without having to use multiple software.
With your answer I understand that it is not possible
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