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    Important User VUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -Garmin
    VUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -GarminVUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -Garmin
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    boat VUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -Garmin

    VUS027R-Hawaiian Is.-Mariana Is. (10.50) BlueChart g2 Vision -Garmin

    vus027r v9

    Coverage of the Pacific Ocean from the Hawaiian to Mariana Islands. Includes coverage of Guam, Midway, and Johnston Atoll. General coverage of Palmyra Atoll and the Marshall Islands also included.
    Based on the standard BlueChart g2 features, BlueChart g2 Vision provides premium mapping and graphics capabilities. Simply by plugging a BlueChart g2 Vision card into your compatible units SD card slot, you can tremendously expand its mapping capabilities.
    Enhance Your Vision
    Chart depictions are enhanced with high-resolution satellite imagery for enhanced situational awareness so you can navigate with a clear moving-map representation of your boats position. It is the most realistic mapping display Garmin has ever offered in a chartplotter.
    Get the Best View
    With BlueChart g2 Vision data, you can select true 3D Mariners Eye or Fish Eye navigation perspective for dynamic views both above and below the waterline. There is also Auto Guidance technology to suggest the best routes to follow. And aerial photos of ports, harbors, marinas, waterways and coastal roads help you see the big picture when you are on the water.
    Realistic navigation features showing everything from shaded depth contours and coastlines to spot soundings, navaids, port plans, wrecks, obstructions, intertidal zones, restricted areas, IALA symbols and more

    Smooth display presentation including seamless transitioning between zoom levels and more continuity across chart boundaries

    Safety Depth settings lets you select up to five values for specific depth contour intervals

    Fishing charts to focus on bathymetric contours with less clutter on the display

    Choice of 3D Mariners Eye or Fish Eye navigation perspective to make chart reading and orientation easier

    Get a fresh perspective when you take to the water with a BlueChart g2 Vision card. By adding a BlueChart g2 Vision card to your compatible chartplotter, you will have access to detailed mapping capabilities which include standardized depth contours, smooth data transition between zoom levels, harmonious transition across chart borders, and reduction of chart discontinuities. BlueChart g2 Vision also includes premium features, such as true 3D-view perspective above and below the waterline, Auto Guidance, high-resolution imagery, and real picture aerial photos of ports, harbors, marinas, waterways, navigation landmarks and other points of interest. It is the most realistic mapping display Garmin has ever offered.

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    PID 1, FID 487, region 1,38
    locked map - 3 rared parts

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    Last edited by catymag; 15th August 2013 at 11:45 PM. Reason: part 1 link replaced
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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