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    Default Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?

    Hey all. I maxed out my E700 2 years back but I moved to an Android tablet recently. I tried to sell the old device but literally nobody wants to buy it. So I am forced to revert it back to its original Linux OS... but I cant find any flash tool for that? The best I could find was a PDF that described how to do it using a Navitel Installer... but it seems to be an WinCE program that works with WinCE only. Not Linux. And of course the Navitel Update Center doesn't recognize the WinCE flashed device.

    Could anyone please provide me some help?

    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited by Magnetron; 22nd February 2022 at 01:28 AM. Reason: approved post

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?
    Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?Navitel E700 - revert back to OEM Linux state?
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