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Thread: gmapprom issue

  1. #11

    Thumbs up US Inland Detail Map with Imagery will NOT show detailed maps in MapSource

    Looking into the details in the map tiles for "US Inland Detail Map with Imagery" gives that there's just a lot of imagery/bitmap data. Not very well suited for MapSource.

    File: J:/Garmin/gmapprom.img, length 1692663808
    Header: 24.01.2008 05:05:14, DSKIMG, xor 00h, Ms 0
    Mapset: US Inland Detail Map with Imagery (3.00)
    fat: 1000h - 1200h - 30000h, block 32768
    maps: 256, sub-files 260

    Sub-file fat length
    00207615 GMP 1200h 21677243
    map 7757d0 (7821264)
    date 23.01.2008 18:43:46
    priority 28, parameters 0 6 31 65
    levels [17,18,19,20,21,22,24], zoom [86,5,4,3,2,1,0]
    N: 34.000025, S: 31.999998, W: -96.000037, E: -93.999968
    Inland Detail Map
    Copyright 1995-2008 by GARMIN Corporation.
    CP 1252, American
    Bitmaps 204, size 14089986 (4)
    DEM layers: 2, N: 34.000117, W: -96.000119
    It's possible to create a preview map for MapSource but it should have special more targeted settings for N/S & E/W. But that is anyway rather meaningless since there will not be any detailed maps when you zoom in.

    The reverse engineering of gmap****.img to MapSource is more or less obsolete now when BaseCamp can read *.img files directly from removable media. Putting the "gmapprom.img" for "US Inland Detail Map with Imagery" on a USB stick in the Garmin folder works rather fine. At some zoom levels there's a mixture of picture data and map vector data.

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  3. #12


    Homeport will work fine, thanks.

  4. #13


    The version of "US Inland Detail Map with Imagery" I have doesn't show up in HomePort, only in BaseCamp. I first tried with HomePort since it's supposed to be a marine map file.

    Oregon 400i pre-installed map:
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    @inspktr: Do you have some updated map for your Oregon 400i? Assumed it was the standard pre-installed map for the Oregon 400i mentioned in post #1.
    Last edited by Ballebar; 24th September 2010 at 01:51 PM.

  5. #14


    I am using a marine map instead of US as I use the great lakes area.
    Thanks for your help.




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