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  1. #1
    VIP Master Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
    Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
    elig99's Avatar
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    Default Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode

    Warning: long post
    The other day we started off with a CityXplorer San Francisco 2011.40 loaded on the 1490's SD card and CN USA & Canada 2011.31 on the Nuvi's flash. And the most recent firmware, v5.10

    After having arrived at our destination I switched to Pedestrian Mode (P.M.) and we continued on foot. PM functioned as it should have. Having reached our walking destination I switched off the GPS. When we returned to the car later, I switched the GPS back on (forgetting that it was switched off earlier while in PM) and told it to take us "Home". A few minutes later I realized that the device was still set to PM so I stopped the car and switched it back to Automobile Mode but I realized that from that point on the device was navigating in a strange way. I switched to the main menu screen so that I could cancel the current navigation request (i.e. Home) by pressing the X on the bottom left. However the X was non responsive. It was stuck there and wouldn't cancel and wouldn't go away, no matter how I tried.

    Eventually I ejected the card which had the CityXplorer map on it and immediately the X disappeared and the device returned to normal. Now, I wonder if the moral of the story is that it's best to have CityXplorer maps on an external SD rather than on the main flash memory. If the latter was the case, I probably would not have been able to reset the device so easily without doing a hard reset or similar…

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  3. #2
    Important User Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
    Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
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    Probably it's better to deselect the CX when you'r not using it, the issue can come because the two maps cover the same area. Your unit can see them both but it can cause some problems in navigating.
    It's always better to have additional maps on the sd and I'd add, personal data too (gpx ,pois ,tracks etc)
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #3
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    It may be a stupid question but how can I save Poi, favorites, tracks on the sd card... I own a Nuvi 1490T and 360... just create a Poi folder on the card? what about tracks, favorites and other personal data?

  5. #4
    Important User Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
    Nuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian ModeNuvi 1490 misbehaving in Pedestrian Mode
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    I think you can create the same folders you have in internal mem. in 62s I have them
    some more infos about folders in garmin devices

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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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