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    Question Help! Nuvi 1300 issue

    Hi folks,
    I have a problem with my Nuvi 1300.
    Nuvi 1300 W KP1 V3 LC 2GB
    ID: 972
    Flash 1 S/N 68052A71 P/N 575-A0095-XX
    Boot BLK B0972-00 4.50

    When I connect the nuvi to my pc, it cannot be detected by webupdater, it only shows up as an unformatted media under the windows disk management tool.
    If I disconnect it and power up in diagnostic mode and reconnect, webupdaer can detect my nuvi but it cannot be seen by windows.

    When I try to upload the firmware to 5.20, webupdater says it is corrupt and refuses to load.

    It seems like the flash has been corrupted somewhow.

    Is there a tool I can use to download my POI's and reflash manually, or does anyone have any ideas on the best way to fix this without doing a hard reset and losing all my data?

    Thanks in advance

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  3. #2
    Navigation software expert Help! Nuvi 1300 issue
    Help! Nuvi 1300 issueHelp! Nuvi 1300 issueHelp! Nuvi 1300 issue
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhodess View Post
    Is there a tool I can use to download my POI's and reflash manually, or does anyone have any ideas on the best way to fix this without doing a hard reset and losing all my data?
    Not sure in result, but I get my POI's by g7towin software then my nuvi freezed on loading.




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