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  1. #1
    Member + Move maps from drive C to external hard drive alamel's Avatar
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    Default Move maps from drive C to external hard drive

    I want to move all or most of my maps from my hard drive C: to an external hard drive . I have win 7 32 bit and i still have all install folder of my 30 maps . Do y have to reinstall all maps and select the destination because some cant be select at the installation. Or i can make a new link . I know the map can be move but i dont know how.

    did some one know the right way plese ??????

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  3. #2
    Important User Move maps from drive C to external hard drive
    Move maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard drive
    catymag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alamel View Post
    I want to move all or most of my maps from my hard drive C: to an external hard drive . I have win 7 32 bit and i still have all install folder of my 30 maps . Do y have to reinstall all maps and select the destination because some cant be select at the installation. Or i can make a new link . I know the map can be move but i dont know how.

    did some one know the right way plese ??????
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  4. #3
    Master Move maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard driveMove maps from drive C to external hard drive
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    Quote Originally Posted by alamel View Post
    I want to move all or most of my maps from my hard drive C: to an external hard drive . I have win 7 32 bit and i still have all install folder of my 30 maps . Do y have to reinstall all maps and select the destination because some cant be select at the installation. Or i can make a new link . I know the map can be move but i dont know how.

    did some one know the right way plese ??????
    If your maps are the newstyle ".gmap directory" type it's simple.

    On a windows 7 system your maps are in the "Maps" folder using the following path.

    You can move all the .gmap directories to any location on your system you like.

    Then you create a shortcut for each re-located .gmap directory and place the shortcuts (pointers) in the "Maps" directory where the original .gmap directories were originally loacted and the Garmin tools will find the maps just fine.

  5. #4
    Master bommelb's Avatar
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    Just use the move function from this great application: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]




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