I followed the instructions to add MP3 player and Video player to my Garmin Nuvi 3590LMT and the MP3 is playing flawlessly.
On the other hand, i cannot play any videos.
No matter what type of video i put on my GPS i get the message cannot play this video.
I tried .avi H.264 video with mp3 audio and other .avi formats.
I tried .wmv video and .wma audio.
Do you know what format exactly can be played on the Garmin GPS?
Tnahk you.
Last edited by Mtv___; 4th September 2012 at 08:18 PM. Reason: correct title
Ok, i managed to get it working with Avs4You Video Converter in format WMV.
Thank you.
Last edited by Mtv___; 5th September 2012 at 01:14 AM.
Where could i find those instructions? I also have a 3590 and I absolutely love it!!!
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