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  1. #1

    Default Enabling the Voice command feature

    I need a download link of the ASR folder, mainly to get the SRD files. I think if I have them the voice command feature will work? Is there also a folder for the voice command app? If there is it would be greatly appreciated if someone posted a link to a zipped version of either folders.

    For some reason, on Middle eastern Garmins, the voice command feature is not available. It's kind of funny, we pay more than everyone else, (almost $500 dollars for a Garmin 3490) and we get no Lifetime Map updates, no Traffic updates, and no voice command feature.

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  3. #2
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    Please use program Webupdater (see garmin webpage) to update these files...

  4. #3
    Navigation software expert Enabling the Voice command feature
    Enabling the Voice command featureEnabling the Voice command featureEnabling the Voice command feature
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    First run webupdater and look if is available for download some voice command file.
    Other SRD and ASR file you will find beside CN that you use.
    What CN do you have on your nuvi?

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hb20c View Post
    I need a download link of the ASR folder, mainly to get the SRD files. I think if I have them the voice command feature will work? Is there also a folder for the voice command app? If there is it would be greatly appreciated if someone posted a link to a zipped version of either folders.
    It is not clear from your post what garmin unit you have? Is it running alternate firmware eg. 37xx to make 34xx? or is it a standard unit? It would help to know in order to advise what steps are necessary.

    As stated, some of the voice files are available via webupdater others (such as ASR,SRX) are only available with the downloaded maps.
    The Unit, Firmware and type of map (Navtech/Sensis) also determines whether ASR 1 or ASR 2 files are required.
    On 2xxx and 3xxx series it may also be necessary to 'activate' some features by loading relevant XML files (example /Garmin/DeviceConfig_MP3_Enabled.xml). Check out the thread on modding 37xx to 34xx to get an idea. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    For detailed answer to you need to tell us the model and firmware used. ;-)




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