Anyone who knows how to make the address search work after split the original big map?
I used the MAPSource and chose the part of maps what I want, and transferred them to the SD card. The maps is North America 2014.10. Everything is ok in my Garmin, besides the address search function.
I think gmatool coudn't install correct the mdr file? in which the cities, addresses etc. are stored. Yep, better use the mapsource installation version then MapInstall or gmap as dasilvarsa wrote. Or use a larger SD card
thanks. i used the gmaptoll to split the map. It could be the problem.
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Use Basecamp and Mapinstall. Mapsource is even discontinued as written by Garmin developer cant handle fine new maps:
It's fine to use MapSource if you want, but do so at your own risk. I want to point out that the image creation code in MapSource is very dated. It might or might not work properly on the device. They have been dozens of fixes since MapSource 6.16.3 was released.
MapInstall should also be faster in image creation and transfer (depending on the type of map and device) because of performance improvements we made. MapInstall supports nMaps (more than one supplemental map), without having to manually rename gmapsupp.img. So the official recommendation is to use MapInstall, not MapSource. If something is wrong with a map on a device (mainly with routing) and you created the image with MapSource, I'd try again with MapInstall to at least eliminate one possible point of failure.
The ability to save map sets is an interesting feature, but is not currently supported by MapInstall. MapInstall does read which maps you have installed on the device and draws them on the map. So you could install one set of tiles, then reconnect the device and add or subtract some easily. It's not as helpful if you have several devices that you want the same selection for.
However, if you launch MapInstall from BaseCamp with data on the device, we will auto-select the tiles that you need to cover the data on the device (the data is also shown in MapInstall). Maybe that could be helpful.
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The only way to do that is to "not split a large img file" ....
Instead, download the Unlocked Mapsource files (sometimes refered to as the "Gmap" dir) and use those. They are the correct mapsource input files and will always work.
The only reason to split an IMG is if there are no Mapsource input files available and the original IMG is to large to fit on an external SD / MicroSD.
Once you split it with the gmamap tool info is lost and the searches will not work correctly.
UPDATE... I was not aware of the solution Catymag suggested with Basecamp & Mapinstall. Interesting.
Last edited by tiger555; 19th May 2013 at 02:19 PM. Reason: Learned more from another post
gmaptool is correct with mdr file if you correct in use it. But mdr file from a ready for use img is not source info. It is result of compiling search indexes and it work property only for corresponding set of img (gmp) files. It is happened when index have appropriate address in mapset. Source for that it is raw source mdr file from mapsource installation. It is more bigger then mdr in img as you can see and it use for MapInstall and Mapsource. The most time of creating a ready for use img it is creating the result corresponding mdr for mapset as you know. The one of desired attempt is reverse engineering of mdr for whole img but it is nontrivial decision.
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
I used the original mapsource (Gmap dir) and import it into the Mapsource. Select several sub-maps what I want and transfer them to the SD card. However, the address search still doesn't work.
BTW, the address search in the Mapsource is working well with the original North America 2014.10 Gmap dir.
Any comment!
Using the MAPInstall is the same results. Can't search the addree in my mobile phone.
Last edited by Neil; 20th May 2013 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Merged 2 consecutive posts. [just use 'edit' button instead] ;)
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