exFAT is not supported natively by XP, you need an addition:
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My setup is as follows, workstation: PC running windows XP - SP3.
Project: Updating Kenwood DNX4210DAB with embeded Garmin GPS.
So far, i managed to take the DNX4210DAB appart, extract the micro SD, mount a micro-SD extension cable, reassamble the unit, and checking that
everything works, when i place the original SD in the extension - everything works - so far so good.
Next i cloned the SD from the DNX4210DAB (hate to work on originals), and tested that this works - everything running - noproblemo.
Now i want to erase some files on the SD, and replace some files with others, and here comes the problem !
With DiskInternals "LinuxReader" i have been able to access the SD, there are 2 partitions, i see a large "exFAT Volume" with no assigned drive-letter,
and i see a very small Fat32 partition with assigned drive-letter K:.
Problem is "LinuxReader" is a reader, and i need to write and modify the "exFAT Volume", as it contains the files i want to erase, add and change.
Windows-administration can not assign a drive letter - that would have been to easy, i found no tools or drivers for windows-xp that lets me
handle the "exFAT Volume", and i have even tried using a Live-linux CD - Knoppix, it sees the exFAT volume, but can not open it
Any advice, hints or suggestions are most Welcome !
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Last edited by quarkdk; 8th September 2013 at 02:51 PM.
exFAT is not supported natively by XP, you need an addition:
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Yep !
I know - my XP has that update KB955704, but that does not do it - problem might be... 2 partitions, first is Fat32, and second is exFAT.
In Windows administration i can see the exFAT, but when i try to assign it a Drive-letter i get an error-message saying:
"The operation was not completed because the partition or device is not activated. Restart the computer to activate the partition or device."
I have been trying to restart - no luck
What i think i am looking for is a software tool for handeling the exFAT volume.
Usbdlm - USB Drive Letter Manager - as far as i tested it can do not much more than the windows administration... i just used it shortly maybe it can do something i did not
see at a first glance.
The Fat32Format - i do not really understand - that is a formatting tool, and i do not want to in any way change the disk SD partitioning nor format, as these are mission-critical
parameters of wich i have no influence - the device demands the SD to be in a certain way - thats why i cloned the original byte-by-byte, to overcome that problem.
Now i have found a solution, i just need to try it - sometimes the most obvious......
With my partition-tool i changed the exFAT from logical to primary, took the SD out off the reader, and inserted again - now windows sees the exFAT in stead of the Fat32 partition
Next i will do my upgrade - change the partition of the exFAT back to logical - and make a test to see if it runs...
Hello everyone.
Would you do if you are on the SD card of 4GB made a primary active partition to FAT32 where were all the files from the first and second (hidden) partition? (fm_sub.bin 1KB, Gmapsupp.unl 1KB, grmn0.gma 3KB, UnitID.dat 1KB, the root card + garmin folder with maps, voices, languages, etc.
Well yes, i kind off am going in that direction now.....
The DNX4210DAB uses a 8GB, where the whole SD is Extended and has two partitions, a logical exFAT volume containing a GRM_nav.exe and folder "Garmin", where the folder contains all that you would expect in a normal Garmin "./system", and the other partition is also a logical but Fat12 volume containg (fm_sub.bin, Gmapssupp.unl, grmn0.gma, UnitID.dat).
My problem is, if there is any hidden coding in between the partitions or in strange-places on the SD this solution will not work - Have been working a bit on Snooper-GPS, maybe KenWood/Garmin are not that "heavy".
Actually quite funny - CloneZilla will not clone the SD !
Word off good advice - any one ?
So far, so good - making exFAT primary - no-problemo, worked my updates, and took care off what i wanted..... but.....
Though MiniTools PartitionWizard Tech-ver, is able to make a primary into logical, that posibilyty keeps greyed out, once i converted
the large exFAT from logical to primary.
Any good hints on a software that will force my wish, maybe a software where you could manipulate files in the disk-image i made, so that
when i clone, i actualle clone with updated files ?
This is driving me crazy
And yes - i will try the way of Grogi - i am just worried that the DNX4210DAB will examine the SD, and reject it. (Prefer working on perfecly cloned SD's - i am strange - i know....)