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  1. #1
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    Default Which Garmin Nuvi models can store routes from Mapsource?

    I have so far found the following 3 models of Garmin Nuvi can be used to save routes from Mapsource:

    Nuvi 765,

    Nuvi 710,

    Nuvi 760

    Nuvi 1460.

    All of the above are out of production, and I need to find the replacement model.

    I have tried the 2465 and 3592 which I can program routes into using TRIP PLANNER. However, the problem arises when I stop on a route. Once the unit is switched off and then on again, the GPS will ask what is the next point when I go back again to the route. If I ignore that, then the Nuvi wants to make me go back to the START. If I pick the next point, then it takes me to the next point as the final destination, and I have to touch the next point and so on.

    With the Nuvi 7XX and 1460 sets, all I have to do is touch "View Map' and the Nuvi continues navigation on the set route.

    Need help please. Please tell me which of the current models can be used like the 765 and 1460.

    Thanks for your help.


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  3. #2
    GPSPower Helper Which Garmin Nuvi models can store routes from Mapsource?
    Which Garmin Nuvi models can store routes from Mapsource?
    dasilvarsa's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
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    I have a 3490 and it does not have the problem that you describe even on overnight stops.
    It just carries on to the final destination. I never switch it off just let it go into power saver mode.
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