i made an sd card from the img. the map program loads but cannot unlock maps. if i remove the map files it loads not saying anything about the maps. if i have an unlocked img file from other garmin's is there a way to convert it to NDS format?
word this work?
Thats great news!
Can you enlighten us in how you found it?
I'm just starting to learn how about all this stuff but would be interested in understanding it.
That could mean we would be able to generate *.unl files for any given CID. Still leaves us with the *.GMA piece I blieve.
So... with FID and System ID, with Garmin kgen 1.5 you could generate .unl files...
But how about the gma files? Those need to be generated as well from somewhere?
Great work so far, I think we're almost there?
Problem is that in regular device kg don't work after fid greater of 2200, so i think that also here will not work.
If we have FW update file we maybe can found out some data that we need to figure out how this unit work.
Where is stored unl and gma files on non used SD?
Unl files is stored in map E1, E2, etc?
Well assumingly
NaviPnd.dll and navi_pch.exe on the SD card are the actual navigation software, maybe this can be debugged (looks like some kind of embedded version of Windows)
On a virgin SD these files are stored under the /Garmin directory.
do you know how to get the CID of the card?
CID of the SD card? Has nothing to do with it I think?
I can perfectly generate the unl files, just using the ID of my Mercedes navigation app (which you can find in the settings menu in the navigation app in the car), combined with the custom mapset for each of the 12 map files.
I don't know where you'd use the CID of the SD card?