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  1. #1
    Member + traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?
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    Default traffic chargers are universal?

    I saw a 24xx garmin with lifetime traffic and maps at a junk store for $40 but it had a normal charger with it which didn't look right to me. Can any traffic charger be used with any unit that needs the external traffic receiver? A friend wants the gps and I have an extra charger with the traffic receiver around here. I don't think it would be worth getting if he needs to buy a separate traffic charger for it.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. traffic chargers are universal?
    traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?
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    Would have been quicker and easier to answer if you'd mentioned which receiver you have extra.

    Although Garmin only lists GTM36 and GTM60 as compatible traffic receivers under accessories for 24xx series they're also compatible with Garmin's FM TMC receivers GTM25, GTM 26 or GTM35 provided the receiver has the appropriate local subscription. It can only also use the HD Radio/FM GTM60 receiver to receive bundled HD traffic in NA, but the GTM60 is compatible with FM traffic worldwide when free service is available or a local subscription is added. In EU it can use a DAB HD receiver GTM70/80 which will also receive free FM/bundled FM subs and worldwide will receive free FM and paid FM with an added local sub.

    Model numbers below GTM25 are not compatible with 24xx series. GTM20/21 have the flat 18 pin connecter instead of a mini USB. The even earlier GTM10/11/12 although fitted with a mini USB plug are powered differently [i.e. from the unit itself via the USB connection, they don't have an integrated charger] and they also store subs on the device itself not on the receiver.
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  4. #3
    Member + traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?
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    thanks for the detailed explanation. I have the gtm25 so it's a normal mini USB or whatever that size is called. Maybe i'll just give the charger to him and he can go down to the store, plug it in, and see what happens.

    I also went to another crap store not far from this one only they specialize electronics and big tv's. I saw a 5" garmin in the case and ask to see it. I turn it on and it has a full horizontal row of dead pixels. The guy tells me it's okay and many of his tv's have the same thing and it's not a problem. Hhaha. no wonder his 60" tv's are $500-600.

  5. #4
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. traffic chargers are universal?
    traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?traffic chargers are universal?
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    If the GTM25 has a lifetime NA sub [it should have Navteq and maybe TTN/ClearChannel if bought there], then it'll work fine. Needs a power source though, take an AC to lighter socket adapter 'cos i bet they won't let him take it to his car to test it.
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