All all intents and purposes it appears the Motorrar Navigator IV is a zumo 660, but fitted inside a special cradle which adds some extra buttons and features though connections to such a controller on the bike as you described:
The units use the same unit software/firmware [at least up to V3.50 is the same]. There's been no further issues for the BMW firmware past V3.50 on 4 December 2009:
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However the zumo has continued to receive updates up to V5.10 on 23 June 2014:
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It's V3.50 is available here:
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You'll see that the two Version 3.50 exe files are different, but the underlying firmware GUPDATE.GCD files in them are identical. The units share the HWID of 0924 which means they are basically identical hardware. I'm not sure about the zumo having the same connections as the Motorrad for the cradle though. If they are you could buy a BMW cradle and use your zumo 660 in it, but i'd be making further enquiries with a BMW dealer or try to find someone with one on his/her bike first to try it out before you buy.