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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Nuvicam ETAs overestimated

    Hi all, I recently upgraded from a 255w to the Nuvicam LMTHD - what a difference! I'm still not up to speed on all the new toys & features.

    But there's one issue driving me crazy...my ETA always seems to be overestimated. The 255w was always bang on, and would add time if I got stuck in traffic, held up at lights, etc. It was rare to ever have the ETA decrease on my 255w.

    Last week my Nuvicam gave me an ETA of 1 hour when it ended up being just 45 minutes. Yesterday it told me my ETA was 1:30 and it only took 1:15.

    As I drive along a calculated route, the ETA decreases. But I've been 1 km away from my destination and sometimes it still says it's going to take 3 minutes to get there when realistically it's less than a minute.

    I called Garmin and they didn't really have an answer other than turning off the traffic feature. Of course this makes a difference for highway routes where there may be traffic but otherwise it's the same.

    Is there some sort of different calculation ratio used for the newer units compared to my old 255w?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!


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  3. #2
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2015
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    Sorry to ask i am new one! But finally deserve to buy it? I am ready to buy one that's why i am asking



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