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  1. #1
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    help Kenwood DNX-5260BT (AVN2.1) - SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING

    After unsuccessfull flashing i got message LOADER LOADING, LOADER, SOFTWARE LOADING and SYTEM SOFTWARE MISSING and reboot in cycle.
    Error from the start when flashing with GARMIN CURE and LOADER with "The GARMIN device is unable to program the requested memory region".
    When flashing with WEBUPDATER error is after some time of flashing process.
    I have extracted BOOT.BIN and FW_ALL.BIN from GUPDATE.GCD and try to flash with UPDATER. Flashing BOOT.BIN ends with success, but FW_ALL.BIN ends with error after (up to) 70% and device reboots.

    PREBOOT jumper makes some difference - there is no SYTEM SOFTWARE MISSING message in this cycle.

    I think there have to be a way to boot from SD card...

    Please help to recover this device!
    Last edited by ganyak; 8th September 2017 at 09:17 PM.

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