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  1. #1
    Member + SanFrancisco's Avatar
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    ? Trying to get CNE NTU working on NA nüvi 68LM

    I have a nüvi 55LM (lifetime maps for the USA lower 49 states). On a microSD I have placed the unlocked version of CN Europe NTU 2019.20 (files xxxxx1.img and xxxxx2.img in folder SD:\Map). I have changed CP of both files from 65001 to 1252 and it works flawlessly.

    My neighbor is planning to visit Europe with his nüvi 68LM (lifetime maps for USA & Canada). The EU map that works fine in my nüvi 55LM does not work in his nüvi 68LM. The message "Cannot unlock maps." is shown at startup, followed by "Maps are corrupt and cannot be used." and the advice to download the latest maps via GE. Yet, the protection levels of both devices are identical:

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    What am I overlooking or doing wrong?

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  3. #2
    Important User

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    Actually, in fact nuvi 68 HWID 2088 has 'strong' MSV in latest fw versions which almost certainly is your problem. Only early fw versions had 'weak' MSV. Unicode maps with changed code page and unlocked with gimunlock V0.04 will work when MSV is 'weak' as in your nuvi 55. To use either NT or NTU in your neighbor's nuvi 68 you'll need to patch the firmware, there's then no need to change CP. Similarly with the 55, you can patch it's fw too and then leave CP unchanged as 65001 in an unlocked map to get all unicode functions. When you know the map's been properly unlocked, the message "Maps are corrupt and cannot be used" is clear indication that the fw must also be patched.
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  4. #3
    Member + SanFrancisco's Avatar
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    Thank you for your quick reply, Butters. My information on the weak MSV of the nüvi 68LM is apparently outdated. I will lend my nüvi 55LM to my neighbor to use on his European trip. Probably the easiest solution!



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