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  1. #1
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    Default nüvi 1490 LM - from boot looped to dead? - case slosed

    I got a Garmin nüvi 1490LM with a boot loop. No idea what happened to it to get into that state.

    I installed the Garmin USB drivers, was able to put the device in pre-boot mode.

    I checked with "g7towin", I have HW-version 972.

    I downloaded the "nuvi13xxand14xxseries_GCDFile__630.gcd", converted it in GarminCure3 to Cure, send my device to pre-boot mode and flashed it via Updater (the nüvi shortly display "LOADER LOADING" and then "SOFTWARE LOADING").
    The "Erasing..." step of flashing the firmware ended with the nüvi restarting and "boot looping" again.

    I also tried QuickCure, wich finished successfully, but the loop loop was still there and no MSM.

    I stumbled upon this thread: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], dumping NV (Ldr.bin & update.txt in folder Garmin\Updater\0972\), which was creating files on the SD card. see attached XXX

    Butters suggested in post #14 to manipulate (replace first occurance of "0C 80 A0 E1" by "0C 80 A0 E3") the extraced boot.bin from "nuvi13xxand14xxseries_GCDFile__630.gcd" and flash it while SD card only contains Garmin\Updater\0972\update.txt

    That lead to a short green chart on the nüvi device. I restarted an the chart got bigger. At one step I was asked about the maps I guess.
    Finally the storage even was shown in Windows, so I guess this was the MSM.

    I decided to update via Garmin Express, which found the nüvi and ran a small software update, which did not finish as the device got "lost" again in Windows.

    Since then I am not able to turn the device on anymore, neiter by power button nor by plugging in the USB cable attached to my PC.

    I tried different USB ports and cables, but that is not the issue as posts and cable are working with another non Garmin device and fine before.

    Is there anything I can do to revive the nüvi?

    Last edited by Boki; 29th December 2021 at 10:03 AM. Reason: approved

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  3. #2
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    Complete inability of, or inconsistency in, read/write/erase of regions is always strongly indicative of impending flash failure. Eventually the chip is dead and therefore device won't turn on.

    If the 'no power' issue is indeed only due to a software bricking then opening the device up and disconnecting the battery for a period (overnight to be certain) can sometimes re-enliven an apparently dead device. If there's no change likely it's 'hard-bricked' by a failed flash chip and there's no software solution. Changing and re-programming the chip requires special kit and skills and is not practical in an old device anyway.

  4. #3
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    Will give it a try - open the device and disconect the battery for some time.
    Once done, I will update here.


    the device seems to be dead, I disconnected the battery for some days, tried another battery - nothing.

    thread can be closed

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gagatt View Post
    I downloaded the "nuvi13xxand14xxseries_GCDFile__630.gcd", converted it in GarminCure3 to Cure, send my device to pre-boot mode and flashed it via Updater (the nüvi shortly display "LOADER LOADING" and then "SOFTWARE LOADING").
    The "Erasing..." step of flashing the firmware ended with the nüvi restarting and "boot looping" again.
    of course it won't boot after cure firmware, the right steps are:

    1.Flash cure firmware with Updater

    2. Format the unit using RMPrepUSB:
    Use following settings:
    - Set 1. Partition Size (MiB) to ‘MAX”.
    - Set 2. Volume Label to “GARMIN”.
    - Set 3. Bootloader Options to “MS-DOS bootable (IO.SYS) (CC3 and CC4DOSUFD)”
    - Set 4. Filesystem and Overrides to “FAT32” and “Boot as FDD (A: no MBR)”.
    - Set 5. Untick (uncheck) “Copy OS files from here after formatting (if box is ticked)” and untick (uncheck) “BartPE -> Drive”.
    - Click 6. “Prepare Drive”
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    3. Flash ORIGINAL firmware into the unit, using GarminCure3 and Updater.exe.
    - Follow the same procedure as in paragraph 1, but now select “ORIGINAL” instead of “CURE”:
    Attached Files Attached Files
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    Last edited by Boki; 12th January 2022 at 07:45 AM. Reason: quote correction, approved

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gagatt View Post
    Since then I am not able to turn the device on anymore, neiter by power button nor by plugging in the USB cable attached to my PC.
    Quote Originally Posted by costygsm View Post
    of course it won't boot after cure firmware, the right steps are:
    Read the thread again please. You don't seem to understand that he did things correctly to fix a 'soft-bricking' but then the device totally died .... so it's 'hard-bricked' and not powering on.



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