Garmin Friluftskartan Prime 8C, 8F, 14J & 30N
Outdoor Map Prime is the most exclusive topographic mapping, you can load into your Garmin GPS. With mapping data at a scale of 1:10 000 delivered, the NLS gives you every assistance you wish to hunt, hike or measurement. You can access information on contour lines with elevation data, vegetation in several classes, borders, settlements, roads, trails, mountains and much more. Everything is presented in your navigator with a detail of the highest caliber.
Prime outdoor maps are sold in identifying areas of 50x50 km and is available for the whole of Sweden. In order to ensure zoning and find your or your area
Outdoor Map Prime is designed to identify material in the scales 1:10 000 and 1:100 000th Basic data are taken from two different cartography in vector format supplied by the National Land Survey, Property Map (1:10 000) and Mountain Map (1:100 000) where cartography at a scale of 1:10 000 is used in full where coverage exists, which is basically the whole of Sweden . The combination of these maps gives a total coverage of Sweden and the best possible presentation of your GPS.
MapSource ®
Outdoor Map Prime is a Garmin MapSource program, the complete tool to help your Garmin navigator. With MapSource you can except to download the detailed mapping to your Garmin GPS, including save and edit waypoints, routes and tracks. You can easily plan and create new waypoints and routes on your PC and then download them over to your GPS. When purchasing multiple areas can all be loaded into GPSens internal memory or memory card. One area takes up about 60MB memory.
Region 30N
FID= 1749, pid =1, reg id =2, vendid =13
fill all the fields in jetmouse keygen enabling additional ones --in this way you 'll be able to see and transfer 30N region:
read post n13 for explanation.
Region 8C
FID: 1756. PID: 1, RgnID: 2, VenID: 5
Originally in post 40
Region 8F
FID/MapID: 1741, PID: 1, RgnID: 2, VenID: 5
Originally in post n 41
credits to Tjoa77 and Titleist
region 14J
credits to Titleist and PapayaSwe
Originally in post n 41
Friluftskartan Prime regions 13L & 14J - GMAP
credits to Titleist
Originally in post n 44 and 36
Download 13L & 14J:
Download 13L:
Friluftskartan Prime region 29O Mapsource version
credits to mopar340
Originally in post n 56