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GPMapa is a digital map of Poland intended for navigation in GARMIN GPS devices. The product is a result of co-operation between Imagis S.A., the leading developer of digital maps and Excel Systemy Nawigacyjne Sp.J. – the representative of the world-wide leader of satellite navigation systems – Garmin.
The newest version of GPMapa is the product of GPMapa 2009.4
Version GPMapa 2009.4 includes the following map data:
• over 2,5 millions of address points (exactly there are 2 516 198)
• 4529 detailed city and town plans, including 3133 plans provided with addresses
• 430 861 km of roads, including 314 640 km of asphalt roads
• 198 841 points of interests (POI), including photoradars
• 44 cities including: building outlines or 3D buildings (depends on GPS device)
GPMapa is a map intended for navigation with GPS use. It enables to draw automatically optimal routs (autorouting) based on the road network saved in Garmin GPS devices.
The rout drawn automatically may be the shortest one, where the distance is the most important factor, or the "fastest", rout, where the journey time is crucial. The determined route may be modified by indicating those points which necessarily must be included on the route. Navigating is performed by means of adequate commands displayed on the screen, as well as by voice commands (in the devices adapted to do so).
Additionally GPMapa is capable of searching for the addresses in all the cities and towns, whose address plans are included in the software. Apart from the exact addresses one may also find cross-roads and Points of Interests (POI).
GPMapa allows also marking your own points so called waypoints which along with the track of the travelled rout may be saved in the device memory or copied to PC.
GPMapa is sold on a CD which stores the MapSource program. After installing it on your PC PC it will allow you to transfer the maps the GPS device, while as separate software is extremely useful atlas of Poland
Excellent electronic atlas of Poland in your PC
GPMapa along with MapSource software are also excellent computer atlas of Poland. That is the software allowing you to view the map on your computer, highlight your favourite locations or plan your journey and find the spots you are interested in - ATMs, petrol stations, restaurants, hotels and many more.