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  1. #21
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    Default mac base camp


    Thank you for detail explanation which was very useful while I had Windows based system. Now I have MAc OS x and base camp installed on it. Adria route which is free is running on that. Now I would like to have City Navigator Europe NT 2013.40 and dont kknow how to even start. What to download and how to unlock. Any info regarding this or instructions would be greatly appreciated..

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  3. #22
    Junior Member byker_tr's Avatar
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    Default unlocked CN Europe NT 2013.40.gmap for basecamp

    Quote Originally Posted by goran69
    Now I would like to have City Navigator Europe NT 2013.40 and dont kknow how to even start. What to download and how to unlock. Any info regarding this or instructions would be greatly appreciated..
    gmap file for Basecamp (unlocked)

    unzip and copy the unzipped file "City Navigator Europe NT 2013.40.gmap" to following location on your mac
    "user/Library/Application Support/Garmin/Maps/"

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    Last edited by byker_tr; 11th May 2013 at 07:55 AM.

  4. #23
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    Default Finally an approach that works on a Mac!

    Thanks to this tool, I just succeeded in unlocking "City Navigator Europe NT 2013.41" exclusively on a Mac, without any PC interaction and without the need for Parallels or Bootcamp.

    Since I spent the better part of an afternoon making this work (and finding out which other tools from other threads would not work...), I thought I'd provide a short summary of my procedure to make this a bit easier for the other Mac users.


    • Wine emulator for Mac
    • Some basic knowledge of DOS commands


    If necessary, install Wine on your Mac as follows:

    1. Download and install "MacPorts" according to the instructions at
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      The MacPorts Project -- Download & Installation
    2. Open a Terminal window and install Wine with the command "sudo port selfupdate; sudo port upgrade outdated; sudo port install wine"


    1. Download and unzip the "Garmin_Mapsource_Unlocker.zip" file referenced in this thread.
    2. In Mac Finder window, right-click on your downloaded Garmin .gmap file and select "Show Package Contents". In the resulting folder window, navigate to the "Product1" directory.
    3. Copy the "GarminUnlocker.exe" file to the "Product1" folder. Make a note of the name of the .tdb file in this folder (e.g. "CNEuroNT_2013_41.tdb")
    4. In a Terminal window, start a Windows shell with the command "wine cmd". You are now in a Windows DOS-style environment.
    5. Using the "dir" (list directory) and "cd" (change directoy) commands to navigate to the "Product1" folder of step 2)
    6. Execute the command "GarminUnlocker tdb NAME_OF_TDB_FILE.tdb", e.g. "GarminUnlocker tdb Product1/CNEuroNT_2013_41.tdb"
    7. If everything worked, a success message should appear, like

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    1. In the folder window of step 2), delete "GarminUnlocker.exe"
    2. Launch Garmin MapManager and install your .gmap file (File > Install). It should be listed in MapManager as "Unlocked".
    3. Launch Basecamp to view the map, or MapInstall to send parts or all of it to your device.


    After sending the map to your Garmin GPS with Basecamp, the map will still be locked on the GPS although it is unlocked in Basecamp. I found the open-source
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    gimgtools most convenient to unlock the map's .img file on the device. The current version (0.03) of gimgtools compiles without problems on the Mac if you have XCode installed. In a Terminal window, simply execute "gimgunlock NAME_OF_IMAGE_FILE_ON_GPS.img" to unlock the map while the GPS is connected to your Mac.

    I hope this will help some people out there. Comments and questions welcome.

  5. #24
    Junior Member byker_tr's Avatar
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    i use winebottler
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    WineBottler |*Run Windows-based Programs on OS X to install the new map product.

    mapsource works fine as it is with wine bottler. But i use map converter from garmin to convert the map from pc mapsource to mac basecamp .gmap
    then i install this to basecamp.
    takes time but straightforward.
    Last edited by Roger; 13th June 2013 at 12:22 PM. Reason: coded link



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