Maps with FID=4941 is for all navigators of Garmin. Its feature - presence of the digital signature (gma protection).
What is the new PID 4941?
Maps with FID=4941 is for all navigators of Garmin. Its feature - presence of the digital signature (gma protection).
Also please what is the original name of the JCV file for 5.25?
D16750209.jcv (694 kb)
It is not feature of map! It is only FID number for this version. All of us know - Garmin programms for PC, new Nuvi and we do not love map with FID more then 2400
If you compare maps is only one difference it is absence of word Navicom in copywriter for FID 4941 (only Roads of Russia) against full copywriter Navicom Roads of Russia for other FID.
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
It is depending of device. You are right!
>= 2200 for PC programs and some old Nuvi
>= 2500 for Nuvi 1xxx
>= 2400 for Nuvi 2xxx and 3xxx
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
how many cards do not use can not understand it at least once a year fix bugs?
сколько картами не пользуюсь не могу понять, они хоть раз в год исправляют ошибки?
They do not know how many cities and roads in Russia! This map release was made by citizens of Uzbekistan and Belarus! It is 100% true. You may ask user named as Adrenalin on this forum.
Navicom вообще не имеет представления о России и ее дорогах, а последний релиз верстали вообще гастарбайтеры из Узбекистана и Белоруссии. Так что о чем вы?!
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?