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Originally Posted by syzygy Did you spell the name right? I notice in your post #14 you used the wrong name gmasupp.img instead of gmapsupp.img. Yeah, I did spell the right name. Otherwise, when use with a "Map" folder on the SD card, the name is irrelevant. However it didn't work neither.
Originally Posted by beunden Yeah, I did spell the right name. Otherwise, when use with a "Map" folder on the SD card, the name is irrelevant. However it didn't work neither. If your GPS device supports Map folder and it still doesn't work, then all I can think of is that map is locked. You need to unlock it first.
Originally Posted by syzygy If your GPS device supports Map folder and it still doesn't work, then all I can think of is that map is locked. You need to unlock it first. You're right, the map is LOCKED. How stupid am I !
Does anybody know if there is an English China city navigator NT 2011.12 yet? If yes, perhaps a download link??
In this link you will find all the updates garmin maps, not only from China but from around the world Garmin [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Celso
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