Yes, i understand what you're wanting to achieve here and why. I saw an old 1390 recently that still had it's preloaded Sensis 2010.10 (FID 2006) still running and happily co-habitating on the internal memory with Navteq 2013.20 and it had somehow survived a run from Brizzie to Perth & back. On balance that shouldn't happen, but then again there could be problems with the 2 maps both selected on a very short route to the corner store. If you run one of the CNs from the sd, you can at least easily pop it out if the nuvi has an unexpected hissy-fit in a very inconvenient location. The cn/topo combo is even much less likely to be a problem but best not to use a routable topo with (or even without) a cn in an unfamiliar built-up area 'coz topos can give unreliable route navigation in cities but then that's not their real purpose, as you know. Have fun experimenting