Copy to SQlite, the HWM is only supported with either an FW update or with the 35xx series.
My TWN Nuvi supported this with the latest FW update for TWN maps.
Do we have to create a new sub folder "HWM" when copying over the file /.System/SQLite/HWM/SGMYHWMNAV.db?
Currently my Nuvi 3790 only has the folders down to /.System/SQLite
Copy to SQlite, the HWM is only supported with either an FW update or with the 35xx series.
My TWN Nuvi supported this with the latest FW update for TWN maps.
Does anyone know which ASR files for the 3790v are to be removed / installed?
I copied the ASR files over from the installer but when it comes over to the voice command for find address - it says it is not applicable for SG/MY.
I guess I probably either installed the wrong ASR and also did not remove the old files for the 019 series.
In post n5 you have the files type for 3790
You have to navigate to get to the good.
Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600
Solved the problem. For 3790v - not sure of 3790, the ASR files from Type1693756 or Type1693739 works.
Not the Type1693776
Hello, may I know which file to download for nuvi 255W?
Who I am is not important – my message is.
is there a file for nüvi 255W?
In the post above yours, catymag advised another user that his 255W just needs the gmapprom. The smallest dl available is the first in post one:
1320_Type1693735 - 320.81 MB, which contains gmapprom.img 154 MB & SgMyTA.JCV 241 MB. Your unit cannot use the JCV file.
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But i have the JCV files inside my Nuvi 255w?