I downloaded all file with zippyshare 14 part here post #1
I guess it's not just you stuck @ 99.8% unfortunately. Soon i will be too:
Is the 'hit & run' mindset prevalent currently? Any wonder why some of us prefer hoster sites ... this is why. Come on, someone with 100% can seed it surely??
EDIT: Yup! Now i'm one of the 99.8% gang too:
However, it appears that the dl is in fact complete in spite of there seemingly being ~0.2% more to come. The page on TPB:
The size agrees with the "99.8%" dl size for the Garmin folder containing the image and the jpg and txt files combined:
GMAPTool shows no error on the gmapsupp.img with a size of 3,195,142,144 Bytes:
So it seems that 99.8% is in fact 100% in this case, lol, although i haven't tested the image otherwise.
Last edited by Neil; 22nd August 2013 at 06:44 AM.
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Unlocked maps from Garmin Europe NT 2014.20
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Maps made by MapInstall v4.0.3
MS flag set to zero
Last edited by Ipmark; 23rd August 2013 at 09:20 PM.
Downloaded mapinstall pc version from post 9 but they are locked.
How do I unlock them please?
why topicstarter use mapsource? and ms flag 1?
Note by MOD: in starting post is ORIGINAL Locked for PC
Last edited by Roger; 23rd August 2013 at 09:01 AM. Reason: add Note