Which file or D3836090A.JCV D3191130A.JCV better use for 3760/90. Than use different. Where more interchanges.
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Last edited by kenta2; 12th May 2014 at 05:36 AM.
Which file or D3836090A.JCV D3191130A.JCV better use for 3760/90. Than use different. Where more interchanges.
Either will work as they are both split-screen picture size 212*234. The larger file will obviously have more JCV pics. You can probably also use the full-screen 480*270 files if you want, 37x0 certainly used them with earlier fw versions and maps anyway. Don't try to use the other split-screen 212*234 [D3478120A.jcv] because it's made differently and is for nuvi xx series and SP apps on phones only.
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how to unlockd? use gmaptools ?
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Ok. I unlocked the mapsource file and edited/created my image file in mapsource. Works fine on all 3 of my GPS's. Thanks
Be carefull when create maps with Mapsource; it no more supported/updated, and may no more be able to handle with new and increasing complex maps like new City Navigators.
I suggest check functions like search...; if not work or for safety, create the map with Basecamp or Mapinstall.
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Last edited by pietu; 15th May 2014 at 11:49 PM.