Affected devices:
•nüvi 55,56,65,66
•nüvi 2014 Series (2567LM, )
•GPSMap 64
•Oregon 6xx (only FW 3.70)
•Montana 6xx (only FW 5.60)
•Edge 1000
•Zumo x90
Credit to dirtbikermp3
[link removed]
On what data is your analysis based that the map has a "Map Signature", and where/how we find it in the img-file? Can that be patched ?
My Oregon 600 with the latest firmware (software version 4.10, as of July 2, 2014) works fine with CN 2015.10 and this Topo Austria v4 (both has a Map Signature ?) . So no problems at this moment on that device.
Maybe Garmin has only built into the firmware of the 64-serie something to test the "Map Signature", and look at this forum how we respond to it, before they change the firmware for the other outdoormodels.
Affected devices:
•nüvi 55,56,65,66
•nüvi 2014 Series (2567LM, )
•GPSMap 64
•Oregon 6xx (only FW 3.70)
•Montana 6xx (only FW 5.60)
•Edge 1000
•Zumo x90
Credit to dirtbikermp3
[link removed]
Last edited by Neil; 12th July 2014 at 02:37 AM. Reason: Link to concurrent forums not allowed sorry.
These firmware versions disappeared very quickly when everyone write about the authification problem. For the Oregon600 the 3.70 version even not excist for Garmin at the moment. Is goes from 3.60 to 3.80. The same way for the Montana.
So that problem was rather a mistake of Garmin than a structural solution to read an additional protection I guess. As a write before, with my Oregon600 and FW 4.10 I don't have any problems until now.
So, now comes again the other question: the new Nuvis and Zumo's and 64-series and Edge 1000 have a structural protection mechanisme build in the latest firmware ? See my questions at post #11
thx hard69!
couldn't have said it better!!!!
nothing changed in the East!
East v4 = East v3
West v4 = Transalpin v4 (2014).
and like you said v2 version is still the most detailed!!!!
What makes me sad is that there are NO Mountainbike & cycling routes/tracks/trails in the East.
So i switched to(routable bicycle). It's much more detailed & for FREE!!!Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
I don't understand Garmin at all!! They are charging alot of money for it and it is worse than the free OSM maps?? come on!!! (don't get me wrong, i am downloading the map here, to check if it's worth the money .... and if so, i am gonna buy it)
edit: works perfectly on Edge 800 (put it on SD-card (copy .img to Garmin folder + .db file into Garmin/SQL folder))
Last edited by pend1; 12th July 2014 at 06:25 PM.
Download Instructions:
Spoiler: download
unlocked image
sql file
What's the use of uploading the identical file this thread started with???
So, for those who hoped that ozboss came up with a version that is unlocked for the newer devices like the gpsmap64: forget it!
GPSMAP 64s + Oregon 650, but missing my GPSMAP 60csx like hell
Mirror/extra links are always welcome and particularly because some host sites may work better than others for different countries. ozboss has posted an 'unlocked' image in the sense that most ppl would assume it to be i.e. unlocked with the current gimgunlock only in the conventional sense as discussed earlier for the file in initial post. The 'new protection' is still active in such unlocked files because of the Map Signatures but only for the devices listed in Post #12 presently.
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