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  1. #1


    I also fail to unlock the file. Which jetmouse version? In your instruction, its showing as JetMouse §Ü¦Åyg. I downloaded jetmouse and it has version 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. Thanks and sorry for asking a dumb question.

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  3. #2

    Default Failed to unlocked

    Same goes to me.
    Failed to unlock. tries on GMXT 5.0 version.
    Have used all the keygen versions.. results still the same..
    Any suggestion for debugging?.

  4. #3
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    Should I use gmaptool or ezGMAP tool? By the way, the link you posted at another thread "garmin new malaysia & S'pore poi.img " is dead.

  5. #4
    Important User *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
    *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaron1988 View Post
    Should I use gmaptool or ezGMAP tool? By the way, the link you posted at another thread "garmin new malaysia & S'pore poi.img " is dead.
    no just put the two files gmapsupp.img and gmapsup2.img into Garmin folder on your device
    thanks for link dead info
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  6. #5
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    Lol, I understand what you mean, but I'm just asking to know more. If I want to combine my maps, should I use ezGMAP or gmaptool? Or both are same?

  7. #6
    Important User *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
    *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaron1988 View Post
    Lol, I understand what you mean, but I'm just asking to know more. If I want to combine my maps, should I use ezGMAP or gmaptool? Or both are same?
    now i understand aaron you 'd use gmaptool

    Not easy to do, anyway i give you instructions i found (i never tested)

    gmaptool v0.21 5.1.2008

    Program makes following operation on map files in Garmin format:
    - join several maps into single file.
    - split map into files for Mapsource,
    - split map into parts,
    - insert new unlock code into single map file,
    - display information about maps,

    Tha main purpose of GmapTool is to join complete maps, like file gmapsupp.img prepared by Mapsource. GapTool is able to join several maps into one gmpasupp.img which can be loaded into GPS reciver.

    Program can create files for Mapsource, it is file tdb and simple preview map in polish format. Map should be compiled with cgpsmapper. All files can be appended to Mapsource with MapSetToolKit. Map funcionality can be limited. Some info can be found here:
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    Program is not fully tested, please use with caution.
    GmapTool do not check wether joined maps contains the same parts. Behaviour of joined maps containing repeted parts is undefined.
    GmapTool can join parts of one map into full gmapsupp.img. In this case user have to supply Family ID and/or Product ID. When joining maps prepared by Mapsource, proper ID is already included in maps.

    GmapTool recognise following input files: Garmin maps data *.img, *.trf, *.typ and ASCCI files with unlock codes *.unl.

    Program was written basing on documentation avilable in internet and analysis of data produced by non-Garmin software. There is no guarantee that this program will create data compatible with Garmin GPS or software. Program in any way do not unlock locked map, user have to have valid unlock key to use locked map. User is responsible for all consequences of using this program.

    gmaptool -j [-v] [-i] [-r] [-d] [-o output_file] [-u code]
    [-f FID[,PID]] [-m map] [-b block] [-p prority] [-t|-n]

    gmaptool -S [-v] [-i] [-h] [-f FID[,PID]] [-m map] [-c CodePage] file.img

    gmaptool -s [-v] [-i] [-h] file.img...

    gmaptool -U code [-v] [-i] file.img

    gmaptool -i [-v] file.img...

    -j - join maps, -o required
    -S - split maps for Mapsource
    -s - split maps xRkL`G0[9!
    -U - insert unlock code into file
    -i - information
    -v - verbose
    -r - remove unlock codes
    -d - create DEMO map
    -o - output file name
    -u - new unlock code
    -f - Family ID and Product ID
    -m - mapset name
    -c - CodePage for mapset
    -b - block size kB
    -p - map priority
    -t - transparent map
    -n - non-transparent map
    -h - short header img

    Option -P switches program language to Polish.

    Map management with GmapTool

    1. For each map in Mapsource create full map image for GPS. It can be written to flash card reader or GPS. Copy file gmpasupp.img form flash/GPS back to PC and rename it to something meaningfull, for example CNEv9.img or TopoGB.img.

    2. Copy preinstalled maps from your gps. This can be gmapprom.img or gmapsupp.img. Rename it to something meaningfull.

    3. When you want to install maps to GPS simply choose img files from your collection on PC, move to an empty directory and execute command like this:
    gmaptool -jo f:\garmin\gmapsupp.img *.img

    where f: is drive letter of your GPS internal memory. This will go much faster then creating big mapset in Mapsource.

    4. When you get an upgrade for any of your maps, create new img for this map only and repelace it in your img collection.

    Converting maps

    Functions which convert content of the img file works toogether with option -j. GmapTool create new img file with applied changes. This is valid for options -r, -u, -p, -t, -n.

    How to make yur map form gmapsupp.img visible to Mapsource

    This is not a perfect solution but it works. Somehow :-)

    You need some tools to get the work done. Look for cgpsmapper free version and MapSetToolKit:
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    Unpack and install all this tools. Cgpsmapper and GmapTool are command line programs, you need to start them from command line window or from any Norton Commander clone like Total Commander.

    I assume that you have Mapsource installed and that your GPS with preinstalled maps is recognised by Windows as a removable drive, for example as drive I:

    Begin with creating an empty directory for your map. Put cgpsmapper and gmaptool in this directory and make it current work directory for subsequent commands.

    Unpack your map with gmaptool (option is big 'S'):

    >gmaptool -S I:\garmin\gmapprom.img

    You will get several different files in your work directory. These are maps and additional files for Mapsource. You need to compile preview map:

    >cgpsmapper mapset00.mp

    Now you can use MapSetToolKit. Start it and choose "Install A Existing Mapset". You have to point to tdb file mapset00.tdb, preview file mapset00.img and invent a registry name. Install and your map should be visible in Mapsource.

    Do not try to use MDR file generated by GmapTool in Mapsource. This will not work!
    You have to unlock map in Mapsource. Simply input 25-character unlock code from your device. This can be found on papers attached to your GPS, on mygarmin.com after registration, in file \garmin\GarminDevice.xml or \garmin\gmapprom.unl or in a file gmaptool00.unl in map directory on your PC.

    And as usually: no guarantee, Mapsource may crash, use at your own risk and responsibility.
    If Mapsource crashes use MapSetToolKit to remove new map.

    GmapTool create very simple basic map, just minimum data to make Mapsource see the map. This is OK for small area map but not good enough for big map like City Navigator. You can improve preview map adding details form basemap. H1/4.ahw(B

    First get a basemap. This could be file gmapbmap.img form your GPS, free basemap from Garmin:
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    or World Map from Garmin XT Mobile:
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    Next you will need tools, MapEdit:
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    and Personal cGPSmapper 30-day evaluation version:
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    Split basemap into parts:
    >gmaptool -s gmapbmap.img

    You will get one or more img files with maps. You can view content of this files with MapEdit (pres Ctrl-0 if you see empty map). For preview choose most detiled map covering required area.

    Open choosen file with MapEdit and do:
    File->Map Properties->Levels and check levels number, note this for later use. My map has levels 17, 15, 13, 12, 11. Set zoom 7 for last level and then corect other levels zoom to get zoom sequence like 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    Edit->Select->By Type and select unwanted objects, I recommend selecting all HW-Exits. Close this menu and do Edit->Delete.
    File->Save As and save map in polish format .mp.

    Open mapset00.mp and do:
    File->Map Properties->Levels and make levels and zooms exactly like in basemap. Existing levels should be converted int first and last level and new empty leves inserted in between.
    Edit->Select-All objects then right click on an object and select Modify->Extend All Elements up to Level and set last level index minus 1. On my map this is 3.
    File->Add and point to basemap saved in mp format. Now your slected objects should be visible on basemap. Use Tools->Trim to select all this elements, right click inside selected area and choose Trim outside.
    File->Map Properties and check and correct: on Header tab map ID should be 09999999, on cGPSmapper tab POI Index should be on.
    File->Save and save your new map in polish format as mapset00.mp.

    Open mapset00.mp in a text editor. This could be very big file, not all editors are capable deal with it. I'm using Notepad2. Look for text like "Region123=" without any name. Correct all empty "=" into "=OTHER".

    Run map compilation:

    >cgpsmapper mapset00.mp

    this can take a lot of time, be prepared to wait an hour or more. As a result you will get new mapset00.img that can be added to your mapset in Mapsource.

    Personal cGPSmapper can make searchable map. When you use preview map with POI and city index, you will be able to search for places in Mapsource.

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    Last edited by catymag; 18th October 2008 at 03:33 AM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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  8. #7
    VIP Master rensys12's Avatar
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    Please help!!!

    I download both GM-MYSIN ( map id 5062)and GM-BORNEO (map id 5061) V2.30 GOLD. Installed it on my map source. Work fine on my mapsource I can see all the maps but when I tried to transfer the maps to my device but "unable to unlock maps" on my device.

    I tried copy and paste gmapsupp.img file and gmapsupp.unl using keygen for unlock code.
    Copy and paste gmapsup2.img and gmapsup2.unl. I used 5061 for GM-BRONEO and 5062 for GM-Mysin to generate unlock code using keygen ver1.5. Still unable to unlock maps.

    What have I done wrong? Please.

  9. #8
    Important User *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
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    UNLOCKED version of Malsingmaps 2.30 GOLD (Traffic Light Problem Fixed)
    MySin 2.30 GOLD (IMG): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Borneo 2.30 GOLD (IMG): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #9
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    Default thanks for saving the gps world again

    appreciate your rescue, catymag :000a4:

  11. #10
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    Hey Thanks hope to see new update when it come out.



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