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  1. #41
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    Hi new here thanks for the map.

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  3. #42


    If I am not able to get my computer to read my unit (Streetpilot III), I'd only be able to get mapsource to recognise the GPS, how do I input the maps?

  4. #43
    Important User *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
    *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
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    Quote Originally Posted by fletcherng View Post
    If I am not able to get my computer to read my unit (Streetpilot III), I'd only be able to get mapsource to recognise the GPS, how do I input the maps?
    before you must go here
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #44


    i still cannot unlocked my maps.

  6. #45


    Tried unlocking the map today, Malsing ver. 2.30b (dec). Couldnt unlock the map though..was thinking if i did any steps wrong. Here are my steps.

    1.) Got the unit id
    2.) Started the jetmouse keygen 1.3 and 1.5 (tried both) software. Entered my unit ID. Keyed in 5062(map id) for the SG map.
    3.) Generated my unlock key.
    4.) Downloaded the MSM 2.30b gold version installer and installed the map into Mapsource.
    5.) Entered the unlock key during the installation of the MSM mapsource installer.
    6.) Generated the gmapsupp.img using the installer.
    7.) Copied the gmapsupp into my GPS garmin folder
    8.) Turned on my GPS and it showed 'Cannot unlock map'

    With regards to step 5, I was thinking that since i entered my unlock key during the installation of the MSM, i did not have to include the gmapsupp.unl. Anyway when that din work, i added in the gmapsupp.unl with the generated key inside into my Garmin folder and it still din work.

    Any help / advice guys ?? Thanks thanks!
    Last edited by BuRR06; 9th February 2009 at 04:20 PM.

  7. #46
    Important User *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
    *MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version*MalSingmaps map V2.30 GOLD September 2008*+UNLOCKED version
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuRR06 View Post
    Tried unlocking the map today, Malsing ver. 2.30b (dec). Couldnt unlock the map though..was thinking if i did any steps wrong. Here are my steps.

    1.) Got the unit id
    2.) Started the jetmouse keygen 1.3 and 1.5 (tried both) software. Entered my unit ID. Keyed in 5062(map id) for the SG map.
    3.) Generated my unlock key.
    4.) Downloaded the MSM 2.30b gold version installer and installed the map into Mapsource.
    5.) Entered the unlock key during the installation of the MSM mapsource installer.
    6.) Generated the gmapsupp.img using the installer.
    7.) Copied the gmapsupp into my GPS garmin folder
    8.) Turned on my GPS and it showed 'Cannot unlock map'

    With regards to step 5, I was thinking that since i entered my unlock key during the installation of the MSM, i did not have to include the gmapsupp.unl. Anyway when that din work, i added in the gmapsupp.unl with the generated key inside into my Garmin folder and it still din work.

    Any help / advice guys ?? Thanks thanks!

    have you followed this in first page?
    is 25 chars from mapsID 5061 and 25 chars from mapsID 5062 so total must be 50 chars all combine into 1 gmapsupp.unl......

    1. Run keygen, input your unit ID and generate
    2. Then select custom mapset and generate maps ID 5061 & 5062 list down the 2 code
    3. copy and paste the 5061 & 5062 unlock code into notepad like this 12345678901234567890123451234567890123456789012345
    4. and save it under gmapsupp.unl change the save type into all file....
    5. Transfer it to your device

    anyway use this unlocked i posted here
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] post n°20
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    have you followed this in first page?
    is 25 chars from mapsID 5061 and 25 chars from mapsID 5062 so total must be 50 chars all combine into 1 gmapsupp.unl......

    1. Run keygen, input your unit ID and generate
    2. Then select custom mapset and generate maps ID 5061 & 5062 list down the 2 code
    3. copy and paste the 5061 & 5062 unlock code into notepad like this 12345678901234567890123451234567890123456789012345
    4. and save it under gmapsupp.unl change the save type into all file....
    5. Transfer it to your device

    anyway use this unlocked i posted here
    Now there is a newer Malsing Gold, v2.30b.

    I understand that for the Borneo map i will have to generate a unlock key with Map ID 5061.
    But lets say if i only wanna use the Singapore and Malaysia map, can i just generate 1 unlock key (25 char) using Map ID 5062? Or must always use both maps??

  9. #48


    Anyone can help ?

  10. #49
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    thanks a lot. having problem install it and finally done. Thanks for everything.

  11. #50


    thx for the map
    waiting for lastest update



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