Does the patcher work with a Garmin eTrex 32x, before I get one?
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Does the patcher work with a Garmin eTrex 32x, before I get one?
eTrex22x_32x_Webupdater__270_JNX_Patched.gcd does exist but not here.
eTrex 22x-32x HWID 3445 Original FW
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Hi guys.... pretty new to the forum and searching did not have results..
I have a gpsmap 78 sc... firmware 7.30.
Garmin is no longer selling Birdseye suscriptions and I am quite disappointed with this decision.
Does anybody know if I can use this patch with a 78sc? Any risk to brick the device if I try it? Any step-by-step instructions on how to use the patch?
Thanks in advance for your help!
It is possible to patch new android based devices ? I have one Dezl OTR710 at me with North America Truck maps inside, but wish to use it in Europe. How to enter on MTP settins for this type of units?
It's an Android system, not Garmin proprietary
Its rules are the same as for any android device. Anything you want to do systemically - you need root access
Firmware (almost) does not play any role in this case
So in short - forget it.
Or learn android programming, invests a lot of time and effort and come back in 5-6 years :smile:
Sorry if this reply is a bit late, 78sc patches fine for JNX. I've done most versions up to 730 with no issues.Quote:
Originally Posted by quitucho [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Good afternoon. You wrote that JNX files can work with new devices, you are interested in firmware for Alpha 200 and GPSMAP 79. I would really appreciate your help.
anyone got a link for the patcher??? lost my copy and too use the patcher on some devices..
V3.70 now attached in initial post.
Thank you... Actually found v3.80 on one of my cloud back ups... but not sure you'd let me share a link here..
Spoiler: this is it
Feel free to download and than re-add first post then delete link here...