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  1. #1
    Important User How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    Guide How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd

    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41/154) with sd

    To make the NV backup with sd:

    (Important note :NV backup is not the backup of Nuvi files , but it's the NonVol memory backup,it contains Nuvi ID, all your maps codes, probably your Nuvi registration date on myGarmin and first satellite fix etc. Everything is in reg 41, all in these few bytes.
    Note: In many newer devices, from 2xxx series 2014/15 onwards, NV is present in region 154 *See 'Update' Below.
    NV backup is your nuvi "personal" backup ,dont share it on public forums or you can risk someone clones your Nuvi)
    Do not attempt to load an NV backup from another unit to your own unit, even if the same model.

    NOTE:Nuvi 3560 SG/MY HWID 1521 boot.bin doesn't support rrgn command at all,so one can't dump regions from this device.

    1-Create a "Garmin" folder in an empty sd.
    2-In Garmin directory create a directory named "Updater".
    3-In Updater create a directory named as your nuvi HWID number, it must be 4 digits eg: 0971
    4-In the above folder copy Ldr.bin . What is Ldr.bin? It is your firmware boot.bin you can extract with RGN_tool
    Spoiler: RGN_Tool.exe
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    and rename it as Ldr.bin.
    5-So copy it in "XXXX" (nuvi HWID) folder along an update.txt made with notepad where you'll write this command :



    Quote Originally Posted by Ellinas View Post
    For newer devices like 3597, 2797 etc (2013 & later) you should change the script in update.txt because MicroSD has been changed from 1 to 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    Anyway you must have backup in this case too:
    But this would be located on RWFS drive but not SD. I think you can find it there (in RWFS).
    6-Insert the sd in your nuvi, you'll see at boot a software loading message and nuvi will write your NV backup in sd. Let it reboot, shut it down, remove the sd and keep your Nuvi NV backup in a safe place.

    To restore it replace command with:


    In newer MTP devices, 2xxx series 2014/15 onwards, NV is present in region 154 and the path to the card is again 2 so write:
    instead of rrgn,41,2:/41.bin

    PS: If you don't do it ,you can be one of many users posting here
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    Last edited by Neil; 29th January 2019 at 02:02 AM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2
    VIP Master atreio's Avatar
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    Finally I could do it !!!
    Probe with other memory and I could get the bin of 6 mb approx.
    It was strange compatibility issue with my 2GB memory.
    Now I'm copying the contents to a secure folder on my PC for the case if ill need to restore it , can i do this? There are simple file or boot sector issue, etc? so I can re-use the memory again.
    Donkey is not what you do not know, but he does not want to know.
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  4. #3
    GPSPower Helper How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    You can certainly copy the bin files to a PC Folder, and you should do this.(backup is the whole purpose of the exercise)
    You can re-use the memory card for maps and other Garmin Files.(just delete all the files on the memory card or you can leave them in there if it doesn't bother you)
    There are no boot sectors or anything like that on your memory card only folders and files.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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  5. #4


    Is anyone researching the NV reading in Oregon models, Etrex 10/20/30, and edge?

  6. #5
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    Tell me please how to restore nuvi NV from this backup?
    I have a nuvi 1410.
    If I create a copy of NV on other nuvi 1410 with same preloaded card, will I be able to restore NV on my nuvi?

  7. #6
    Navigation software expert How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    Dont do this.
    You must use only your reg 41 becouse inside this region is your settings of chipset etc

  8. #7
    GPSPower Helper How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    Quote Originally Posted by VitusOld View Post
    If you read post number one properly it tells you how to backup as well as how to restore.
    Restoring from One Nuvi to another is not really advisable and can cause Problems for You.
    This procedure is really for you to backup your own unit, just in case something goes wrong and you need to restore.
    Last edited by dasilvarsa; 16th October 2012 at 10:09 PM.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  9. #8
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasilvarsa View Post
    If you read post number one properly ...............
    i.e., this bit:

    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    .........NV backup is your nuvi "personal" backup ,dont share it on public forums or you can risk someone clone your Nuvi).......
    Caty, it really couldn't be much clearer really that the opposite is also dangerous, but what do you think about maybe adding a note in Post #1 to that effect? For example:
    .........dont share it on public forums or you can risk someone clone your Nuvi, also do not attempt to load an NV backup from another unit to your own unit, even if the same model. Seek expert assistance if you do not have an NV backup of your unit.
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  10. #9
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    Thank you. I understood everything.
    But how to solve my problem?
    My nuvi itself was rebooted during movement. And was changed the model number from "nuvi 1410" to "nuvi 14xx" and disappeared inside nuvi the key of preloaded maps.
    Tell me, please. What do I do?

  11. #10
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
    How to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sdHow to backup Nuvi NV (region41) with sd
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    Quote Originally Posted by VitusOld View Post
    ..... Tell me, please. What do I do?
    One of 2 things:
    1. Turn to Garmin for help, because you have damaged your NV memory as I'm sure you already know. If the unit's out of warrant that will be expensive; or:
    2. Hope that someone with the knowledge is willing and able to give you that 'expert assistance' to help you regain your 'model number'. This should not be dealt with in open forum and you can only hope for a PM offering help.

    BTW, my tirade in the post above yours was not directed at you personally, but the potential for misuse of nv backups both ways is real.
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