Try to load 3490 version 7.10
Using Garmincure 3 in original mode.
Are you sure that you do not have a corrupt file in the Nuvi. ?
Try to load 3490 version 7.10
Using Garmincure 3 in original mode.
Are you sure that you do not have a corrupt file in the Nuvi. ?
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Albert Einstein.
You can not load garmidevice.xml
This file is created by the boot process when full boot is executed.
I'm trying to find out which region holds this info, It is most likely to be region 41.
Did you try to put back files backup ? /.system etc etc
Can 3490 boot without files ? like nuvi 1300 can !
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Albert Einstein.
Reg 41 upload unfortunately did not change the situation .
Yes I have copied all file structure but unit did not recognize any audio - missing, text version unknown, GPS Firmware - 0.00.
In other words - no change.
Try to erase region 91.
The command line should looks like this, am I right?
Last edited by isg; 14th May 2013 at 08:18 PM.
That will erase region 91.
Loly, should he back up 91 first? Does it contain anything essential?
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I suggest that you do the following:
1) Flash the original 37xx firmware by renaming 110101000500.rgn to 137601000500.rgn.
Here is the original GCD:
2) As far as I understand you're able to run update.txt scripts.Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Then try running the following script:
Please, use the following RGN when running the script: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
And post the contents of your SD card here.
3) Use QuickCure3-with-flasher (or GarminCure3, whichever works) and format the internal flash drive as suggested [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and create Garmin folder.
4) Flash the original firmware linked above and check if the device boots completely and creates GarminDevice.xml.
Last edited by kunix; 15th May 2013 at 11:03 AM.
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File is encrypted. Password in PM to kunix and some other members which might have interest. If someone else is interested by results will receive password in PM only as reg 41 present in the archive.
Now I should interrupt for hour or two but in any case report will follow soon.
Last edited by isg; 15th May 2013 at 12:51 PM.