I think it hasn't been formatted correctly
dear lolypop000,
done, but unfortunately the device at the next boot does NOT create the garmindevice.xml file.
Instead it creates the following folder and files structure:
- Diag
- sys_log.bin
- gpx
- current.gpx
I think it hasn't been formatted correctly
You have to navigate to get to the good.
Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600
Formatted again, flashed with ORIGINAL using the only firmware file I can found in "http://www.gpspower.net/garmin-receivers-firmwares/200071-how-get-needed-firmware-software-garmin-website.html"
FIY this is the flashing response:
Processing C:\Users\Sara\Desktop\Computer\Garmin\nuvi2xx_regionfileonly__510.gcd
This is a GCD file.
Patchable HWIDs: 660
*Processing HWID 660
Processing OK
Still the same problem
Would you point me to a complete firmware (if existsing)?
Thanks, later
What complete firmware do you mean, and why are you using WebUpdater at this point? I think you're misunderstanding the term 'regionfileonly' and thinking that it's not as 'complete' as it could be, maybe? Whether it's called 'nuvi2xx_regionfileonly__xxx.gcd' or 'nuvi2xx_WebUpdater__xxx.gcd' or just 'gupdate.gcd' if it's the same official untouched version for the same hwid the naming of the *.gcd file is immaterial and the file content is the same [and 'complete']. Region file only was a term which Garmin started to use as they moved from uploading firmware using a self-extracting exe file to install fw for Western units [e.g. 'nuvi200_340.exe'] in favour of using WebUpdater to load the firmware [some Asian firmware is still loaded using exe files]. Don't be distracted by this change of naming convention, if you use WebUpdater or GarminExpress to load firmware by any method it will be placed on your 200 in the Garmin folder as 'gupdate.gcd' and the unit itself then updates the firmware version on the next boot cycle but only if it detects that the firmware version is higher than is already on board. If it's the same version [i.e. V5.10] as the patched cure firmware it will be ignored. The unit then cannot boot to create the garmindevice.xml file. Cure fw is not bootable, that's the very purpose of it so that the unit can be seen in MSM by a PC, corrupt files removed or a reformat done and then the original fw loaded so that the unit can boot.
So i think you're simply not following the correct procedure to complete the 'cure' of your unit. After curing and correct reformat, flash the 'complete'/'original'/'non-cure' firmware to the unit using the method described in the GarminCure3 thread as an rgn file using updater.exe. If you have done it all correctly and the unit's not capable of creating the xml file then region 41 is damaged and will need to be erased. I don't think 2xx series is capable of copying 41 but can erase it. Please try using the fw as 066001000510.rgn flashed with updater.exe before we worry about that.
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Dear Neil,
thank you for your explanation.
I'm pretty shure I've followed the tutorial to the letter, but I will start over again from beginning and let you know.
the trouble started once I formatted the Garmin Disk, not the Garmin Volume from OSX creating a new FAT32 partition with MBR.
Don't know if it helps troubleshooting.
Last edited by Luca1967; 9th February 2015 at 12:04 PM.
Try like this:
- go to thread where you download prepusb
- set prepusb the same way as is on picture in prepusb thread BUT set instead of Fat32 to fat and format
- create new empty folder and add name Garmin
- in pre boot flash with this:Spoiler: 2xx
- after flash disconnect device from Pc and turn it on
- turn off device and connect it to pc and run webupdater