Garmin vívosmart® software version summary
vivosmart software version 3.20
as of May 5, 2015
(260 KB)
Change History
Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20:
• New Feature: User can respond to notifications if phone allows. Swipe left when scrolling through notifications to access.
• Save Move status through power cycle or charging.
• Improve reconnecting to ANT sensors after pausing activity.
• As long as Step Goal is reached, calculate new Step Goal even if the device was on the charger for part of the day.
• Other small bug fixes.
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vivosmart software version 3.30
as of June 22, 2015
(260 KB)
Change History
Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.30:
• Block gesture support from dismissing popup notifications
• Allow notifications that have timed out, but not been addressed to remain available at wake-up for 30 seconds
• Added a condition that requires a 10 minute connection before getting Bluetooth disconnect or connect notification again
• Fixed issue where pace graph on Garmin Connect would appear jagged if connected to a heart rate monitor
• Added fireworks and text when you hit 2x/3x/etc. your daily goal
• Wake up on activity page if you have an activity running
• Other small bug fixes
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