here you are original SW Alpha100_670
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
Does anybody has these firmwares?
Thanks a lot!
Last edited by Boki; 30th October 2020 at 08:39 AM. Reason: approved
Hello everybody,
anyone have a firmware of alpha 200 version 3.20?
I found the original firmware for garmin alpha 200i. However in patching it I get this error string: Firmware version as specified in GCD file: 3.20 for Unknown device (HWID 3433).
File format not recognized. Suggestions to fix the problem and get the device working?
A great challenge
Maybe a complete reset is needed....
Spoiler: Performing a Master Reset
This software works by changing the sequence 00 00 80 66 40 28 2D 44 54 with 00 00 00 00.
I was unable to find the 00 00 80 66 40 28 2D 44 54 sequence in the Alpha 200i US software.
This time the frequency block was done in some other way.
Last edited by miroslavbl; 22nd April 2021 at 09:46 PM.
Hello @Miroslav! Could you explain me a little better? I don't have a good knowledge of the alpha200 device, let's say I'm at a basic level! I bought an alpha 200 from the USA to use it in Italy but having the frequency block doesn't work! Could you help me unlock it PLEASE?![]()
This program works well when modifying the Astro 320 and Alpha 100.
It works by searching the firmware and changing the sequence 00 00 80 66 40 28 2D 44 54 with 00 00 00 00.
The author of this software tool knew that this part of the firmware blocks radio radiation when the device locates its location outside the USA.
The sequence that blocks the radio has been changed in the new Alpha 200i, so I don't know what needs to be changed. That's why this software tool doesn't work.
I don't know how to modify the Alpha 200i device and prevent the radio from blocking as well. Sorry