I now also need the original firmware V5.20 for O750 from which that RGN file linked in Post #318 was made. Please post a link to that and additionally answer the following:
- My initial examination of "165001000520.rgn" indicates that it's got the same boot.bin as latest V6.00 for O750 and despite it's file naming "1650..." it's actually got internal HWID of 2512... so what do you mean by saying it's "a modification firmware"? If it's only been named differently that's not a real 'modification'.
- Also, you're referring to the ramloader (boot.bin) as "nvram" is that correct? Additionally, are you suggesting that it's a hybrid firmware, i.e. a blend of O6x0 & O750? Because on cursory examination it seems not to be that which is particularly why i need the original fw file.
- What did you dump from O650?
- Finally, you mentioned at some point that it's a 'cure' fw, correct? If so how was it made, by use of a Hex Editor or with kunix's GarginCure3.exe?
Best we clear all this up before attempting anything further.